The Holy Throne at the Frat Castle

  1. Frathawk

    This kids dad has to be on house core or else there is no way he would never be able to get a bid…

    14 years ago at 2:07 pm
  2. iFrat

    I can attest to the amount of frat this man is. If you think this is NF then you are an idiot. Gulf Shores wets their panties when the KU crowd comes rolling in every spring.

    14 years ago at 5:09 pm
    1. Fratwall Jackson

      If KU makes panties wet at Gulf Shores, those motherfucking things must Hurricane Katrina wet when any SEC fratstars roll in…that’s right, they do Roll Tide and fuck KU

      14 years ago at 9:42 pm
    2. Fratwall Jackson

      Incorrect…when you get over 50% of your students dressed up in THE gameday attire, and not facepaint and KU hoodies, then we will talk

      14 years ago at 1:42 pm
    3. Haze Balls

      Your saying KU is NF because we have GDI’s…. so does the fucking south you fucking retard.

      14 years ago at 10:40 am
    4. Fratty Lewis and the News

      Haze balls, just shut up…KU is NF for the fact that they are 1.New Money posers from Johnson County 2. Douglas County was one of the few counties in Kansas that votes blue on a consistent basis 3. Not once have I seen anybody in your stands wear oxford and tie to games and finally 4. The south is the reason you posers even know about the fratty way, so I wouldn’t go saying fuck the south, you moronic bastard

      14 years ago at 1:02 am
    5. Duke Fraterberry

      It should be “You’re”, you fucking retard…Damn, you KU wannabes try too hard…The south shits on Kansas and uses Nebraska as toilet paper…fuck off geed and RTR

      14 years ago at 1:07 am
    6. Brosef Stalin

      Actually Fratty Lewis and the News used “your” correctly. He used it as a statement of ownership, they are your schools stands, they belong to the school. Not describing your school as a bunch of stands by saying everybody in “you are” stands. There is nothing worse than a fucking typical frat deuche making the rest of us look like illiterate, over-roided, ignorant meat heads who think they understand a simple concept such as the difference between “your” and “you are” when they actually don’t. If you’re (you are) going to insult someone to defend your (possessive) school, try and not sound like you’re (you are) an idiot, it makes your school look bad. FratStar for life!

      14 years ago at 1:01 pm
    7. Fratwall Jackson

      I believe Duke was referring to Haze ball’s incorrect usage of the word

      14 years ago at 1:55 pm
  3. SEC

    In the SEC, a beer throne includes only beer, not that fucking lumber taking up half of the base.

    14 years ago at 6:25 pm
  4. Tom Collins

    Would be FAF if you didn’t cheat on the throne with the bench and the dude sitting on it wasn’t a gdi

    14 years ago at 5:34 pm