Kappa Sig From Sacramento State And Childhood Friends Stop Terrorist Attack On French Train

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Three Americans are responsible for thwarting an attempted terrorist attack on a high speed train in France Friday afternoon. Childhood friends Alek Skarlatos, Spencer Stone, and Anthony Sadler saved countless lives after subduing, slamming, and knocking out a heavily armed jihadist gunman.

From the New York Times:

Alek Skarlatos, a specialist in the National Guard from Oregon vacationing in Europe with a friend in the Air Force, Airman First Class Spencer Stone and another American, Anthony Sadler, looked up and saw the gunman. Mr. Skarlatos, who was returning from a deployment in Afghanistan, looked over at the powerfully built Mr. Stone, a martial arts enthusiast. “Let’s go, go!” he shouted.

Mr. Stone went after the gunman and, with his friends, pounded him to the floor of the train carriage. “I mean, adrenaline mostly just takes over,” Skarlatos said in a Skype interview on Saturday that appeared on television barely 12 hours after it was over. “I didn’t realize, or fully comprehend, what was going on.”

Incredible story. This is why the servicemen and women of our country are simply the best. They stare down an AK-47, themselves unarmed, and shout “Let’s go!” We’re talking about three dudes in their early twenties doing the whole “Euro Trip” excursion. You can imagine they might not have been in the best fighting shape after days and nights of drinking, smoking, and fucking everything in sight. Yet, they were still able to wrestle this dingleberry to the ground, eliminate the threat, and assist those wounded in the conflict.

Forget a beer, France needs to pay for the remainder of these three heroes’ trip. I’m talking penthouse suites, VIP access, and the finest French hookers available.

[via New York Times]

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    1. Henry_Eighth

      The liberals will say, “Two out of three terrorist-stoppers are GDI’s.”

      10 years ago at 6:58 pm
  1. Sand_Hill_Alum

    Alek Skarlatos, the Oregon Army National Guardsman, is an infantryman recently returned from a deployment to Afghanistan. He described in his interview that he took the AK away from gunman and began muzzle thumping him in the skull until he was unconscious and then proceeded to clear the rest of the train looking for other potential shooters. A muzzle thump is similar to the jabbing motion a soldier makes with a bayonet mounted to his rifle. It’s useful in close quarter situations to subdue a foe and is one hell of a way to assert your dominance over your enemy. These men deserve copious amounts of whiskey and French damsels lined up out the door. Well done

    10 years ago at 6:14 pm
    1. VaJack

      The only thing that could make this story better was if these men were Sailors. Let the shit talk begin. Cheers boys

      10 years ago at 7:18 pm
      1. TacticalButterKnife

        An exceptionally small percentage of sailors are admitted to BUD/S, PowerPoint.

        10 years ago at 4:36 pm
      1. Recon Whiskey

        Wrong, you have to be in an actual combat to be awarded the Silver Star. They will be awarded Soldier’s/Airman’s medal.

        10 years ago at 7:26 pm
      2. cleavage

        That’s what I kind of thought. I wasn’t exactly sure what the requirements were in that aspect.

        10 years ago at 8:07 pm
  2. ZeteNJ

    American soldiers risking their lives to save French people…history really does repeat itself.

    10 years ago at 6:20 pm
    1. PursuitofFrattiness9

      The French are also assholes that don’t respect Americans at all. You would think they would be more grateful.

      10 years ago at 10:04 am
    2. Roadhouse

      I just came back from study abroad in France and they’re actually extremely respectful unless your in Paris. Paris is like the New York of France. Outside of that one city, they love America.

      10 years ago at 5:33 pm
  3. Bluto_Brotarsky

    “So how was your vacation?”
    “Not bad. Choked out a terrorist then beat him with his own rifle. How was yours?”

    10 years ago at 6:30 pm