Keep on Trolling

I thought this was America. A country founded on individual freedoms, where we can express ourselves without fear of persecution based on our beliefs or political affiliations. Unfortunately, many of our dear elected officials disagree. The SOPA bill has been the hot button free speech issue of the year. The congressional sponsors claim that it will limit the illegal distribution of copyrighted material. But at what cost? What they pitch as a way to stop electronic piracy is just a thin façade camouflaging a form of internet censorship eerily similar to mainland China.

And if that isn’t enough communist bullshit for the year the state of Arizona has you covered. The people who brought you random citizenship checks and the anti-immigration fence now present HB2549, the Anti-Trolling bill. Yes Anti-Trolling. The state of Arizona is going to make internet trolling illegal, and not just the 4-chan esque, make a depressed fat girl commit suicide trolling. The bill aims to outlaw, and I quote:

“using any electronic or digital device, instead of a telephone, with the intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend a person”

How the fuck are you going to prosecute someone for being annoying or offensive on the internet? Based on my limited experience with the so-called internet I’ve found that approximately 96% of all websites are both annoying and offensive. I can see the merit in preventing cyberstalking and threats of violence on the internet but the inherent vagueness just opens up a Pandora’s Box. Who gets to decide what’s offensive? What if me and my friends use the phrase “faggot slurper” as a term of endearment?

These laws are just adding fuel to the fire of conspiracy theorists, who have been claiming that Big Brother has been watching us or years. Now they won’t just be watching but reading and listening. The government apparently aims to serve as the moderators of all the internet, saving us from the unspeakable horrors of people making jokes on your Facebook wall. Kids used to learn lessons in the real world. Now that all kids are fat and spend their time on Facebook and playing Call of Duty the internet is how they must learn the lessons of social acceptability. If talking shit on the internet is outlawed how will they ever learn that throwing up the peace sign in profile pic makes you a douche bag? They won’t, dammit!

The sponsors of the Arizona bill have back peddled in a meek attempt to cover their asses. This is all only in response to uproar over the bill, of course. They claim they weren’t trying to censor the internet but were merely trying to extend stalking and harassment law to the electronic domain. Okay great, but that’s not what the law fucking said and I’m not inclined to leave it up to our government officials to interpret it on their own (see Patriot Act).

Based on the public uproar and the comments from the Arizona governor this law is unlikely to go into effect. But, the moral philosophy behind it should be concerning. Especially if you’re on this website. Based on the legislation scrolling down the home page could probably qualify as an obscenity charge.

In closing. Fuck big government, liberals, condoms, Arizona, warm beer, and the WNBA.


    1. Shelbro Cooper

      *”…for years….” Would not editing your troll, be considered a TTroglodyteM?

      13 years ago at 11:37 pm
    1. Shelbro Cooper

      Peeing in your own rectum is physiologically impossible. However, you could perform a series of tasks, wherein the end result is your pee being shot into your anus with, say, a turkey baster.

      13 years ago at 11:41 pm
    1. DoubleTap

      Ron Paul is a terrific economist. He has very good positions on domestic policy. But, I would never vote for him for the presidency because his foreign policy is so far left, he makes obama look like a moderate.

      13 years ago at 7:23 pm
    2. TakeALap

      No his foreign policy is actually brilliant. He thinks it’s a waste of time to be in Japan, Germany, etc. He believes the USA will be more of a powerhouse if we were all back home and strong, rather than weakly spread out around the world. We have no business in being in some of those countries, and we would save a lot of money if we brought those troops back. Also, Ron Paul is the #1 contributed candidate from our military troops. If our troops don’t know what they’re talking about, then I don’t know who does. I trust our troops to suggest the best option by contributing to Ron Paul, over a cock sucker sitting in an office, thinking what might be efficient.

      13 years ago at 8:04 pm
    3. SkoalSeedsFuckGeeds

      Takealap….well done.
      You said everything I was going to say, thus saving me the time of saying it. Frat on.

      13 years ago at 10:02 pm
  1. Osama is Dead

    And yet you all keep voting Republican when it’s obvious Republicans are no longer limited Government. Neither are Democrats, don’t get me wrong, but at this point Democrats are becoming socially limited government while republicans are becoming fiscally limited governments and vice versa on both sides. So…. Now that the government is censoring the Internet from me telling you to fuck off…. How about that doctor from Texas???

    13 years ago at 7:02 pm
    1. masonmiller

      You honestly think that Democrats believe in socially limited government? What the fuck is wrong with you? #educatedinCA #liberalbreathreaks

      13 years ago at 7:11 pm
    2. DixieFratStar08

      Yes, Democrats do believe in socially limited government (gay marriage, pro-choice legislation, etc.). And Republicans believe in fiscally limited government. But to have both is what America needs. We do NOT, however, need a candidate as radical as Ron Paul with policies foreign or domestic.

      13 years ago at 7:47 pm
    3. Osama is Dead

      We need limited Government period. The government should build public infrastructure, provide a military, fund education, and invest in technologies that make this country better– such as healthcare research and green energy policies. Other than that, they need to stay out of our lives. Have a flat tax of 20% on everyone making 60k a year plus and don’t tax anything else. No dividends, capital gains, stamp or sales tax. That’s what should be going on, but fuck if that will ever happen.

      13 years ago at 9:21 pm
    4. fratanomics

      I’d prefer to not keeping relying on backwards ass, terrorism-sponsoring countries to provide a large chunk of our energy supply, especially since that supply mostly goes to our transportation infrastructure. I’m all for alternative energy sources, and if green technology can get us what we need for an appropriate investment I’d say we were dumb not to examine it.

      13 years ago at 10:06 am
  2. Richard Head

    Great article, one of the best in awhile in fact. And then he ended it with ‘Merica. No Guvnah, it’s America. Besides that well done.

    13 years ago at 8:02 pm
    1. King Cobra

      if I caught your drift correctly, you’re referring to those dark-skinned naggers that some of us like to refer to as Mondays as well

      13 years ago at 12:02 am