Kid Gets Crushed By 55-Gallon Trash Can Full Of Water In Failed Ice Bucket Challenge

These ice bucket challenge videos have grown into a bit of a phenomenon around the country. It seems as if these people would rather make an idiotic video of them pouring cold water on themselves to raise awareness than actually donating money to ALS research. Granted, this movement has given us some gems, usually involving some borderline famous babe soaking herself to the delight of horny guys everywhere. Today is the rare instance where this challenge offers up a video where we can laugh at the misfortune of others.

Apparently, football helmets don’t hold up against 55-gallon trash cans full of water. NFL, take note for your concussion testing.

I can neither confirm nor deny whether or not this kid is still alive.

[via Barstool]

  1. Broshire

    Saying “Let her rip boys” before doing something that could possibly cause severe injury. TFM.

    10 years ago at 12:22 pm
  2. buddahsmcmansion

    serious note though please make sure to donate and not just do these ice buckets but to donate also. als sucks.

    10 years ago at 6:44 pm
  3. The Ice Bucket Challenge #StrikeOutALS | Never The Same

    […] particular video was highlighted by Total Frat Move. The football helmet didn’t do a lot for this poor kid. But hey, he took one for the team, and managed to raise awareness for ALS. As funny as his video […]

    10 years ago at 9:29 pm