Kid Strips At Graduation, School Officials Refuse To Give Him His Diploma

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The balls on today’s high school seniors, man. They just do whatever they want. They’re either burning giant penises into their school’s football field before graduation or they’re distributing “mandatory vagina inspection” flyers to the homes of senior girls. There’s always something.

One guy didn’t pull his stunt before graduation, but rather during it.

Quinton Murphy, a senior at Jack Britt High School in Fayetteville, N.C., felt as if his graduation gown was prohibiting him from fully and freely enjoying the ceremony. That’s why immediately after receiving his diploma, he tore off his gown, revealing nothing but animal print underwear and socks. Fuck yeah.

The students lost their shit. The administration, on the other hand, must have had homicidal thoughts on their mind.

From Docsity:

The school superintendent Dr Frank Till said that Murphy wouldn’t get his diploma. This action comes as a warning for students who might be planning any sort of pranks, as the school administration are expecting five more graduation ceremonies shortly.

As usual, leave it to the administration to ruin a great thing. People quickly lose interest in watching other people’s kids walk across a stage for three or four hours, so let the kids spice it up if they want. Nothing could go wrong.

[via Docsity]

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      1. Devil n A Saint

        He still graduated, he just doesn’t get a fairly worthless piece of paper to put on a wall.

        10 years ago at 2:04 pm