1. thapsydawg

    Must not have been hard considering your pledge trainer is built like a girl and is rocking skinny jeans, i can only imagine what the pledges themselves look like

    11 years ago at 11:09 am
    1. I am drot nunk

      Ever heard of bleached cowboy cut wranglers? Exact opposite of skinny jeans, dumbass.

      11 years ago at 9:45 pm
  2. Cockmeatsandwich

    If this really happened I’d be ashamed to be part of this fraternity. If the pledges have this little respect for their pledge trainer imagine how they act towards the brothers. Fuck those kids

    11 years ago at 2:31 pm
  3. War_Damn_SAE

    Y’all would have been shot. Hell, y’all SHOULD be shot. Go fuck yourselves

    11 years ago at 3:34 pm