KKG Chapter In Hot Water For Pissing In A Park In Broad Daylight

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Members of the Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter at Washington State University will face disciplinary action for violating the university’s Standards of Conduct for Students. The violation? They pissed on the side of a museum in a public park, right in front of a memorial service. They pissed in broad daylight, too. This was after exiting a charter bus and before boarding some sort of cruise.

From NBC’s KHQ:

WSU Dean of Students Melynda Huskey said the president of the Gamma Eta chapter has been notified that it will face disciplinary charges for disorderly conduct and alcohol violations as the result of complaints the university received from a Coeur d’ Alene resident who reported that intoxicated students were observed exiting from a chartered bus and urinating in public in a Coeur d’ Alene city park.

Reports have also come in claiming the sorority betches were drinking in public and vomiting in bushes.

Let’s be honest here–that’s the kind of bus trip where memories are made. I want to be on that bus. I need to be on that bus. The alcohol is flowing and the girls aboard are the kind that will vomit in bushes and piss in public parks. That’s just good fun.

But ladies, keep the private bodily releases in private. There are kids and shit in the park. I just imagine a little kid having a blast and flying his kite, maybe chasing his brand new puppy around and eating a PBJ on a blanket, then BOOM, full beav shot right in his face. That’s going to leave a lasting effect on a kid.

[via KHQ]

Image via Kappa Houses

  1. VermontStrokes

    New headline for this article: “PSA from Dorn, keep your beavers away from his little angels”

    10 years ago at 3:01 pm