Kliff Kingsbury Admits To Bringing Bottle Service Girls To Football Practice, Is Cool As Fuck

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Should I have published this on TSM? Serious question. It honestly might pull in more page views over there. Those chicks love them some Coach Kliff. He makes the Norts drop.

In Chapter 48 of “How Coach Kliff is Cooler than Your Stupid Fucking Coach,” we learn that, while at the University of Houston as an assistant coach, Kliff and staff brought an ice cream truck to practice filled with (assumedly attractive) bottle service girls from a club. He revealed this while on Dan Le Batard’s radio show, the same show he previously talked about flirting with recruits’ mothers to make their mom jeans drop, and obviously to land their sons’ signatures come National Signing Day. Side note: mom jeans are making a comeback. Write that down.

He doesn’t go into exactly what the girls were there for. We’ll just assume it was to provide eye candy and not to fornicate with the players. Below is the exchange, via CoachingSearch.com.

(Other show host): What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in an effort to have a good practice?

“When we were at the University of Houston (as an assistant under Kevin Sumlin), we brought an ice cream truck, but we filled it with some girls from one of the clubs, the bottle girls. That was impressive. That was a good practice.”

(LeBatard): Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What did you do? You filled an ice cream truck?

“The bottle service. The cute bottle service girls. In Houston, you can do that. You can’t do that in Lubbock. There is no bottle service in Lubbock.”

How did you end up there? I imagine you’re always around bottle service. Are you kidding me? How have you not had bottle service instituted in Lubbock by virtue of your mere presence?

“I’m still trying to figure that one out.”

Fuck this guy. He’s just so cool, man.

[via CoachingSearch.com]

    1. DrShooterMcGavz

      I mean seriously. Fuck him for showing me how far behind I am……that magnificent asshole.

      10 years ago at 1:54 am
  1. dirtpiecemcdoug

    Not trying to call Coach K a liar but Lubbock definitely has bottle service. He’s obviously never been up to the Roof.

    10 years ago at 2:20 am
  2. future kennedy

    This appears to be the exact opposite of Dabo baptizing Deandre Hopkins at a Clemson practice.

    10 years ago at 7:35 am
  3. heyphil

    Was lucky enough to rush Sigma Chi at Tech when he was a senior. I have NEVER seen a guy get ass like he did. Nay… turn down perfect ass for even better ass like he did… To CLIFF KINGSBURY!!!

    10 years ago at 4:17 am
  4. 2Close4Missiles

    Motion to have him replace Marty Daniels as Head Coach of Blue Mountain State in their new movie.

    10 years ago at 2:53 pm