jacqueline ades arizona

How About This Butcher Knife-Wielding Chick Who Sent A Guy Around 65,000 Texts After Meeting Him Online?

jacqueline ades arizona

My parents always taught me that if at first you don’t success, you should try, try again. And if that doesn’t work, give it like one more shot then give up forever because it’s probably not going to happen. They’re what you would call “constructively conventional.”

But 31-year-old Jacqueline Ades, of Arizona, was obviously brought up differently, because her method more closely resembles this format: If at first you don’t succeed, try, then try again, and again, and again, then when all hope seems lost, go apeshit and try 60,000 more times.

When a guy tells Jacqueline no, she tells them maybe. As in something like, “maybe you should watch your back because I might stab you with a butcher knife.”

From The Arizona Republic:

Court records say Jacqueline Ades, 31, of Phoenix, visited the man’s home and office while flooding his phone with threatening text messages. She began stalking the man last summer shortly after meeting him through a dating website, according to the documents, which were submitted to the court by police.

Ades is suspected of sending the man around 65,000 text messages and sometimes 500 in a single day, court documents show.

Paradise Valley police said in a separate statement the man called the department last summer when he found her parked outside his home. Police said they escorted her off the property.

Police said Ades began sending threatening text messages after the incident, including multiple death threats.

“Oh what would I do w ur blood! … Id wanna bathe in it,” was an example listed in court documents.

Another included an anti-Semitic epithet with Ades describing herself as the “new Hitler.”

Easy on the dirty talk; nothing gets me more hot and bothered than a little blood play.

By no means do I condone the clearly lunatic behavior going on here, BUT… I have to ask — do you think she put the whole “I’m a total maniac” thing in her bio? Like you know how some girls are all, “Not looking for hookups so don’t even try,” but you’re still firing off “DTF?” messages out the gate? What if this girl was all, “I am the new Hitler and will try to murder you,” but the guy just passed it off as some ironic political statement?

Court documents say the man called police last month when surveillance footage showed Ades in his home while he was out of the country.

Paradise Valley police arrested Ades after finding her taking a bath in the home on April 8. At that time, police also found a large butcher knife on the passenger seat of her car, the court documents added.

Bet that guy is glad he went on vacation. This is one of the scary parts of meeting people online. Sometimes pictures don’t tell the full story and you have to see things in person to realize your mistake; by then it might already be too late.

Thankfully an arrest was made before anyone got hurt. If there is any silver lining, this guy is going to have a hard time finding somebody worse. Better luck on the next go around, my man. Hopefully your days of stalkers are behind you.

[via The Arizona Republic]

Image via Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office

  1. JoePaaaa

    This seems like the perfect girl for Vaginator to finally try and lose his v-card

    6 years ago at 10:57 am
    1. Stardog

      Vaggie is a girl. She has many times said she prefers taking anal especially from elderly women w/ large black strap-on’s!

      6 years ago at 11:35 am
      1. thevaginator

        Got three losers dancing so far. Let’s see if any of them have the balls to say something to my face. I’ll bet not.

        6 years ago at 1:05 pm
  2. Bro-hann Sebastian Bach

    I’d like to leave 65,000 where’s fail friday comments but I’m afraid no one checks this website

    6 years ago at 1:01 pm