KU Is Offering Gender Pronoun Buttons To Staff And Students At The Library


In the 1930s, it was the Great Depression that had America’s college-aged men and women in an uproar. In the ‘40s, it was WWII. In 2016? “Don’t assume my gender!” Finally, an outstanding academic institution is coming to the rescue to help tackle America’s biggest issue today — calling someone he, she or they.

The University of Kansas Libraries is reportedly kicking off a new “You Belong Here” campaign by giving out buttons with your preferred pronouns proudly displayed on them.

Via the Lawrence Journal-World:

A number of University of Kansas Libraries employees now wear buttons showing their preferred gender pronouns. Extra buttons are offered for students who want one, too.

“Because gender is, itself, fluid and up to the individual,” a posted sign at the libraries explains. “Each person has the right to identify their own pronouns, and we encourage you to ask before assuming someone’s gender. Pronouns matter! Misgendering someone can have lasting consequences, and using the incorrect pronoun can be hurtful, disrespectful, and invalidate someone’s identity.” […]

There are three versions of the square-shaped “My pronouns are” buttons: “He him his,” “She her hers” and, for people who don’t identify themselves as male or female, “They them theirs.”

You can call me dragon.

KU libraries, the heroes we deserve. Nothing says “this is a cool idea and definitely not just liberal bullshit” quite like Jayhawk librarians manning the front lines.

I’m just glad I can request one of these pins then go check out a biology book that says there are only two genders. Or, because this is a safe space and I don’t want to offend anyone and I’m open-minded af, I’m sure I can find a book that says the opposite if I dig a bit deeper. Should I start in fiction?

The only time a librarian has called me a “they” was when she was telling the police officer “they’re not allowed back here” when my acid trip took a turn for the worse.

KU is going about this “You Belong Here” campaign all wrong. If you want people to feel accepted, pass out pins that say “I suck at football” instead.

Oh, KU libraries. You’re at it once again. This is definitely the most exciting thing to happen to a mid-sized library in Lawrence, Kansas in, well, possibly forever. Keep fighting the good fight.

[via Lawrence Journal-World]

Image via Twitter

  1. ImHereForTheGangbang

    There is a golden trolling opportunity here, guys: They only printed three versions (he, she, they). That’s not fully inclusive! That’s discriminatory! What about people who identify as “xe”, “ve”, “ze” or one of the other ten million made up gender pronouns that apparently exist now? How dare the library leave them out? Someone really needs to file a hate crime complaint against the library staff that came up with this!

    The infinite nature of these stupid liberal college movements (trigger warnings, gender pronouns) is the key to destroying them. All you need to do is find the one group they failed to include and then file a formal complaint about it. Flood the system with pointless bullshit until it grinds to a halt.

    8 years ago at 12:49 pm
  2. Abe_Froman

    The most effective thing you can do is vote with your dollars. Once trustees see a significant decline in admissions and alumni donations, they’ll put an end to this lunacy real quick.

    8 years ago at 1:20 pm
  3. MediocreFratstar

    You can be a trans male or female but before as soon as someone starts calling themselves gender fluid or some nonsensical shit, then we have a problem

    8 years ago at 2:03 pm
  4. buddahsmcmansion

    Trying to feel closer to their old buddies at Mizzou again, I’m assuming.

    8 years ago at 10:45 pm
  5. rosaliewatts444

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