Laid Off Dan Returns From Vegas With No Money And No Will To Live, So We Had Him On The Podcast
I’ve been on 13 return flights home from Vegas in my life, both after winning enough money to pay for my trip and losing enough money to force me to live like a poor for a few months, and each and every one of them was a sad, dark, morally hungover journey back to reality. There’s no such thing as a good flight home from Las Vegas — only different degrees of shitty. Three and a half hours of regret and wondering how you’ll put the pieces of your life back together when you land. It’s simply depressing.
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Now, let’s talk about Dan.
Dan was laid off last Monday. In the wake of his introduction to unemployment, he decided to drive to Vegas with fellow newly laid off Rachel Page for the weekend to gamble the entirety of his severance pay on college football in order to “double it up.”
It didn’t go well for our boy.
Dan’s alma mater lost. Dan’s NFL team lost. Dan lost two grand. Dan lost his job and has no income.
Dan wasn’t afforded the luxury of catching a flight back home from Vegas after the worst week of his life. Instead, Dan had a 20-hour roadie ahead of him to collect his thoughts, assess the reality facing him at the end of the drive, and continually convincing himself not to jerk the wheel and send him and Rachel into oncoming traffic.
I’m happy to report that Dan and Rachel survived the drive, and Dan was even gracious enough to join us for another electric episode of Back Door Cover on the same day he got back to Austin. The entire episode can be heard below.
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We love you, Danny..
Get rid of Wally
8 years ago at 6:48 pmQuestionable move on Danny boy’s part, but isn’t it kinda fucked for the people that fired him to laugh at him for it?
Regs gave us babes every sing goddamn day like clockwork, that’s more than I can say for the rest of you.
8 years ago at 7:29 pmDid grandex lay people off because they spent so much money on the TFM movie? We all knew it was going to be a bust.
8 years ago at 8:03 pmThere was a TFM movie?
8 years ago at 12:42 pmSeriously, why did you lay of Dan, Rachel and Duda. I mean, I don’t really care about Rachel (though you did fire your hottest employee, but seriously, why Dan and Duda? Why anyone?
8 years ago at 8:47 pmWe already covered this last week.
8 years ago at 9:16 pmMissed it, summary?
8 years ago at 11:22 amReorganization of Grandex. Fucking sucks because we lost some of the good writers, but Madison took responsibility and owned it. Bitching about it won’t bring them back and it makes the comments section insufferable. Lap me.
8 years ago at 4:16 pmBabe of the day needs to come back with or without dan
8 years ago at 1:58 pm