Lauren Hanley Still Takes Better Selfies Than Your Girlfriend

Yes, I know not all of these are selfies. I also know you won’t care.

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Follow Lauren on Instagram and Twitter if you’re into this sorta thing.

  1. PhilUpMyCupPledge

    FSU here, my brother fucked.

    Yes I’m proud and yes he revved his motorboat. That is all.

    10 years ago at 7:30 pm
  2. Mr President 2036

    I’d make my girlfriend eat out of a dog bowl and wear a leash if I got to sniff Lauren’s butt through a hose.

    10 years ago at 7:46 pm
  3. shmobshmarley

    The sad thing is I don’t think I am enough of a man to deserve something as amazing as those..

    10 years ago at 9:56 pm
  4. Fratellus Maximus

    I would change my allegiance to the Democratic Party for the chance to pee in her butt.

    10 years ago at 3:12 am