law school

3 Things To Keep In Mind If You’re Planning On Going To Law School

tfm law school

Wild shot in the dark: Probably 85%+ of you tell people you’ll be “going to law school” after undergrad because…

1. It sounds cool

2. It makes you seem important, and

3. You’re trying to get laid

All 3 of those are things I can get behind, so I’m not here to burst your bubble.

I am here, however, to give you some free advice you probably won’t get elsewhere about law school. I’m a lawyer who graduated law school in spring ’16, and I wish I had been told a few things before I decided to splunk off 3 years and lots of cash on a J.D. I’m not discouraging anyone from attending law school; I’m just saying, keep these things in mind if you are thinking of going the lawyer route:

1. It’s fucking expensive

Yeah, I know — dad pays for all your tuition at your very average state school. Law school is a whole different beast, though. If you want to graduate, you’re looking at anywhere from 140k-250k, depending on where you go. You may not have an economics degree, but you don’t need one to know that’s a lot of money. Do you really want to pay those loans back for the rest of your life just because you want to attract more girls? For me, the answer was a resounding yes, but it might not be for you.

2. It’s really not fun or exciting

Drop anything you’ve seen on Law and Order or The Rainmaker (vastly underrated film). It’s almost never mic-dropping courtroom statements or awe-inspiring jury verdicts. In reality, it’s a shit ton of paperwork and dealing with whiny people all day. Granted, this depends on what area you get into, but generally you’re going to be doing a lot of reading and writing. There is a reason lawyers tend to be old white dudes and not young hot girls.

On top of that, law school is fucking awful. I turned myself into a quasi-alcoholic just to get through the first year. It’s not even that the work is that hard as much as it is that the environment, the people, the professors, and all the other shit just piles your anxiety up to unfathomable heights. I made lifelong friends in school and wouldn’t trade them for the world, but if you offered me a million dollars to do another 3 years of law school, I’d probably turn it down.

3. Have a general idea of what a lawyer ACTUALLY does

I can’t hammer this point home enough. If you really don’t know what a lawyer does, but think it sounds cool, take a day and educate yourself. I work around old dudes like 40+ years older than me on a daily basis and they are all bastions of wisdom. I know that sounds super cheesy, but it’s true. These guys have been practicing longer than I‘ve been alive. Cold call random attorneys in your area in a field you think you’d like and ask to shadow them for the day. Follow them to court, around the office, etc. and see if you could picture yourself doing that for the rest of your life. If you can’t, then this isn’t the field for you. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be an attorney; it just means maybe you’d be better in criminal law as opposed to real estate or vice versa.

Regardless, make contacts now and show these guys you’re willing to learn. If you do end up going, it can pay off in a job opportunity down the line. Hell, that’s how I got my partial gig now. I networked with this dude at a grad party and parlayed it into being his sidekick. It ain’t about the grades you make, it’s about the wrinkly hands you shake.

And lastly, if none of this sinks in, being a law student is a great intro with girls even if you hate your life, especially if your law school is at a big undergrad university. The “, Esq.” at the end of your name is pretty cool, too. It’s not all bad.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. phibuff

    Can confirm. I’m a first year law student and I have to drink myself to sleep each night.

    8 years ago at 10:20 am
  2. Nemo123

    Practicing law has been described as a continual pie eating contest in which the only prize is more pie…

    8 years ago at 10:36 am
  3. Rad_pitt

    any respectable law school would think I was joking after looking at my undergrad transcript

    8 years ago at 11:01 am
    1. AnyTwoWillDo

      I went to a noted “below average” state school with incredibly mediocre grades…but I killed the lsat and scored a nice scholarship. Have fun for 4 years, buckle down for 2 weeks of LSAT studying and you’ll be fine.

      8 years ago at 12:01 pm
      1. Slick Willy 94

        This is terrible advice that needs to be corrected so someone reading it doesn’t screw their life up.
        1. I guarantee this guy did not study for the LSAT for 2 weeks and then “killed” it afterwards. Study at the very least for 4 months. A few points on the LSAT=more scholarship money/getting into a better school or both. I hate that test with a passion but studying hard was worth it.
        2. Work to get good grades. The LSAT is way harder than the ACT/SAT and good grades can make up for a dissaponting LSAT.
        In this economy it’s only really worth it to attend a top 20 school or get near a full ride at a top 50 school and work your ass off to be top of your class.
        I don’t care if this gets down voted because it needs to be said.

        8 years ago at 9:18 pm
      2. AnyTwoWillDo

        That’s fair. I did two weeks and my “killing it” was only a 168, which wouldn’t have gotten me into Yale but was plenty for my goals.

        That being said, enjoy undergrad. You only get a couple years to dick around with no responsibility.

        8 years ago at 8:55 am
  4. lca_94

    Great article. This applies to just about any kind of graduate study. Really do your homework before you decide to drop money on another degree.

    8 years ago at 11:07 am
    1. Frattie Smalls

      Just passed the bar in October. I had no debt from undergrad, but paid for law school with loans all myself. I graduated with $120k in principal and I’ll be working in public service for 10 years to get PSLF before I can actually go and get money at some point. And that was with a scholarship that took my tuition from out-of-state down to in-state. Any kind of grad school, especially law school, is going to come a serious financial cost. If you just want to make money, get a finance degree and go work in IB. Only go to grad/law/med school if you’re absolutely positive it’s what you want to do for a career.

      8 years ago at 12:34 pm
      1. DickPole

        Believe it or not I’ve heard IB used for a few terms in finance and I couldn’t really deduce from the context given he was talking about law. International Business? There is even Introduction Brokerage.

        8 years ago at 1:57 pm
  5. SuperSpy1897

    As a lawyer myself, I agree with this article; it’s a fairly good summary (many more things could be added to this list, which is why whole books can and have been written on this subject). The only point I have a question with is regarding the price tag; if you’re an idiot and go to a terrible law school, it may cost you 150k+. However, most law schools are either cutting their prices of becoming extremely generous with scholarships to students who have even semi-decent grades (this is partially due to the recent dip in applications). I entered law school with an average LSAT and a 3.1 in a poli-sci, criminal justice dual degree, so in no way was I a perfect applicant.

    Tl; dr: if you want to get a JD, you can get one from a decent school for under 80k if you look hard enough.

    8 years ago at 11:25 am
  6. OldBayOnEverything

    Law degrees are oversubscribed. If you want to get rich, be an MD, an engineer, or a salesperson. And save everything you make early in your life.

    8 years ago at 11:26 am
    1. JakeFromState

      With the way healthcare is shaping up, and the inevitable salary cuts coming to MD’s plus the overall price of medical school I would strongly discourage it at the moment. If you really want to make bank in the medical feel be a specialized nurse in either cardiology, or anesthesia. Hourly weeks (never on call), guaranteed vacation, less schooling, solid 6 figures.

      8 years ago at 11:57 am
      1. Big Dumb Idiot

        Physician assistant in emergency medicine is the way to go. $130k a year median salary. Even if you don’t do EM, average salary for a PA is right at 100k. It’s the fastest growing field in medicine and has been ranked as the best masters program in the US. Also, it’s only a 27 month program. Augusta University in Georgia (formerly known as Medical College of Georgia) is routinely ranked as a top 3 PA Program nationally and you can get out of there at less than 100k in loans.

        8 years ago at 12:18 pm
      2. Big Dumb Idiot

        I’m not saying don’t become a doctor, I’m just saying there are other alternatives that can still land you big bucks without 4 years of med school debt, a 4 year residency, and malpractice insurance. I have an uncle that owns his own dermatology practice and he makes $500k a year easily, God knows what the practice makes. Granted, he’s the best dermatologist in Augusta, if not the state.

        8 years ago at 8:19 pm
    2. SuperSpy1897

      As other commentors have pointed out, trying to get a MD right now is stupid.

      If you want to have a good career, while also having a quality college experience, become a male nurse. No other career (that actually pays well) allows you to be outnumbered by women 90 to 1. Plus, you’ll be a “minority applicant,” when you enter the workforce, which seems to help these days since companies are obsessed with ‘diversity.’

      8 years ago at 12:29 pm
    3. Slappyhappychap

      ya because doctors have no medical school debt?…..if you go into medicine for the money you are an ignorant fool (med student speaking)

      8 years ago at 2:42 pm
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    8 years ago at 12:03 pm