Asking the CEO what we're going to do about the dropping of company stock, as an intern. TFM.

    1. Fratking918

      ^ gay. Giving the boss pointers and buying him lap dances over a tall pitcher of natty light TFM

      12 years ago at 5:14 pm
  1. itsfraternity

    Go back under the pile of whale shit at the bottom of the ocean where you and just about all interns belong, and keep your fucking mouth shut.

    12 years ago at 2:44 pm
  2. Fratoholic

    Stocks go up and down as often as cocks do in a fraternity house. Business as usual. TFM

    12 years ago at 2:46 pm
  3. dye_fratting

    I imagine the CEO looking back and giving you a look that said either “I have too much cocaine and scotch in me to care” or “did that intern just fucking speak to me”…or a combo of both

    12 years ago at 3:08 pm
  4. TakeALap

    I would fucking whip my dick out and start pissing on you. Then I would fire you, and make sure that you never ever had a chance at any large company in the area for being such a fucking try hard.

    12 years ago at 3:10 pm