Legendary Dodgers Announcer Vin Scully Tells Amazing, Hilarious Story About Don Zimmer On Air


Don Zimmer, who spent more than six decades in baseball as one of the most respected men in the game, passed away this past Wednesday at the age of 83. Zimmer’s career as a player, manager, and coach is the stuff of legend. He was beaned in the head, twice, without wearing a helmet, once going into a coma for 13 days, and still had the balls to step back up to the plate afterwards. The guy met Ruth, played with Robinson, and coached Jeter (among many others). He once took part in a bench clearing brawl with no regard for the fact that he was in his 70s at the time.

Stories from all over the baseball world have been pouring in about Zimmer, nicknamed Popeye because of his massive forearms. Though all the stories are great, considering that Zimmer spent his playing days as a Dodger (in both Brooklyn and Los Angeles), it is perhaps most appropriate to listen to a few stories from another baseball legend in his own right, Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully, who has been calling the team since they were in Brooklyn.

Scully took to the air on Wednesday night to relay his feelings about Zimmer, and tell one hilarious, fantastic story about the guy. Take a listen, both because the story is worth hearing, and because it’s impossible to regret listening to Vin Scully talk about baseball.

As a baseball fan, I knew Zimmer mostly as a Yankees coach, at a time when I hated the Yankees. Still, you have to respect the man, and I certainly did. RIP Zim.

  1. gwag

    Only in baseball could an announcer give a long-winded anecdote and lengthy discourse about a dead guy in the middle of play.

    10 years ago at 12:21 pm