Lehigh University Kappa Sigma Suspended Because The Cops Had It Out For Them

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I generally don’t like to place blame on the police too quickly. In fact, I normally like to refer to our fine men and women of the campus force as janitors, because they clean up all the shit-turds trying to stink up everyone’s days — an important job that someone has to do. In the case of Lehigh University’s Kappa Sigma, however, the campus police sound like real McAssholes. As of a decision handed down July 14, Kappa Sig is suspended from campus until at least July 2019 following a string of alcohol-related incidents.

From The Morning Call:

In February, a student was taken to a hospital and found to have a blood alcohol level of 0.22 after drinking at the fraternity, according to a blog run by Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs.

The next month, Kappa Sigma members lied about the identity of a member to police, who also detected an odor of alcohol on the breath of an underage member, the blog said.

On April 22, more than 40 students received citations for underage drinking. Another student required emergency medical assistance at an off-campus event hosted by the fraternity, the blog said.

Getting suspended after taking your friend to the hospital. CLASSIC.

It seriously perplexes me how universities can take hospital trips into consideration when deciding whether or not to suspend a fraternity. That’s like completely obliterating a dog with your car, taking it to the vet and then getting in trouble for driving. “No matter you tried to help him or her from dying, fuck you for being responsible and trying to save their lives” is essentially the message here.

And 40 citations for underage drinking? That’s some serious grit and determination from the police force. You know how much paperwork that is in the morning? At least 40 pages which is about 40 pages more work than most rent-a-cops have ever done above a high school level. My guess is the coppers weren’t interested in doing so much work, and there was more at play here.

Just another example of the suppressed fraternity guy being railroaded by the man.

[via The Morning Call]

Image via Shutterstock

      1. thevaginator

        If you call a bunch of goobers who can’t get laid and sit around and play world of Warcraft all night a real fraternity then sure

        7 years ago at 10:15 pm
      2. Sal Naturale

        Ironically, you once claimed to be a member of Kappa Sigma at UTK. I guess that was a lie, wasn’t it? Because you aren’t a member of Kappa Sigma and you don’t go to UTK, do you? And yet you always challenge people to go there and fight you. You’re not man enough to tell people your real location, are you?

        7 years ago at 10:25 pm
      3. thevaginator

        You are right kid I did once claim to be a kappa sig as a joke. Then their chapter got involved and I ended up going to their house and beating this kids ass, similar to what I’d do to you small fry.

        7 years ago at 4:14 pm
  1. Roberto Montabon

    Who the hell goes to the hospital with a .22? What kind of operation are these jokers running, seems they shot themselves in the foot.

    7 years ago at 9:11 pm
  2. Fratty Couples PGA

    As a Kappa Sig, they deserved what they got. Downvote me if you must, but that combination of behavior is indicative of a larger problem. Besides that, our chapters have a history of taking things too far, being too aggressive, and ignoring established boundaries. Maybe they were just having fun, but someone was going to get hurt on that track.

    7 years ago at 7:19 am
    1. Fratty Couples PGA

      And moreover, El Taco, you presented no evidence for your claim that the cops were out to get them.

      7 years ago at 7:29 am
  3. MajorityReport

    Yeah the 40 students being cited is fair, but remember what happened when a certain Beta chapter refused to send a kid to a hospital? Kid died. This guy wasn’t even part of the chapter and they got suspended for him being drunk?

    Fuck college administrations and their double standards

    7 years ago at 2:45 pm
  4. Sal Naturale

    Hey Marc come dance over here. Dance for us you little South American pussy. Dance for the crowd

    7 years ago at 6:45 am