LeSean McCoy Leaves 20 Cent Tip, Charlie Sheen Saves The Day

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The whole “posting a receipt with a bad tip” thing has frankly gotten a bit old, but people were still all up in arms on Monday when LeSean McCoy’s .03 percent tip leaked on the web. The owner of the burger place himself responded with a longwinded Facebook post in which he explains his rationale, which is pretty reasonable:


I would like to address the LeSean McCoy tipping situation and our role in it.

For starters, I take total and complete responsibility for sharing this receipt. It was not our server’s decision, it was mine. I am to blame.

I decided to take action after some serious thought. And while I’d like to apologize to Mr McCoy, I cannot in good conscience do so. I stand by my actions one hundred percent.

Mr McCoy and his three companions came into my place on Monday afternoon, and immediately the whole staff was excited. Mr McCoy is a skilled athlete and is one of our beloved Philadelphia Eagles. A true Philly legend and a sports hero. Understandably my staff was really pumped, especially on the heels of they terrific win the day before. (Go Eagles!).

Mr McCoy and his friend sat inside at a booth next to my management and next to me. They were given excellent service. Impeccable service. If anything, our server was a little nervous as was our food runner, because they are big, big fans.

He and his group, from the moment they sat down, were verbally abusive to our staff in the most insulting ways. The derogatory statements about women and their sheer contempt for the staff serving them wasn’t the end, however. After Mr McCoy and his group left I looked over and saw their server, my friend, with his head bowed down and with a very confused look on his face. I took the receipt out of his hand and I couldn’t believe that anyone could be so callous. Mr McCoy had left a .03% tip for our staff. Our staff that was beyond excited to see him walk into our burger joint and was excited to serve him. That’s twenty cents on a tab of over $60. Twenty cents that our server has to split with the food runner and the bartender. Two dimes from an insulting multimillionaire.

I bet Mr McCoy is usually an awesome dude. And everyone has their bad days. But I’m from Philly and have had the pleasure of meeting many of our bad ass sports heroes. Ron Jaworski I met as a kid and I love. Iverson I loved. Mike Schmidt! You name ’em. I love all of our athletes past and present. Hometown heroes who treat those below them with some respect. And maybe Mr McCoy was having a “bad day” after his big victory all that, but the reports of him receiving “bad service” is a complete slanderous lie, and my crew here is better than that and deserves better than that.

At the end of the day, I did what I felt my heart told me to do. And I don’t want anything from Mr McCoy, but…maybe an apology to his server who gave him excellent service would be cool.

Again, I am the owner and I take full responsibility for my actions. Eagles fans, I feel ya. Id be pissed too. But a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do and stick up for his friends.

Hate mail should be directed to tommy@pytburger.com. I will respond to you right after I catch up on this mornings hate mail.

I see your point, Tommy.

But the story doesn’t end there. On Wednesday, Charlie Sheen posted on Twitter that he wants to pledge $1,000 to the waiter who got the short end of the McCoy stick. Granted, this isn’t a telethon, so I’m not sure if “pledge” is the most correct word here, but I think we’ll let that slide. Between this and ol’ Charlie’s bucketful of money ALS challenge, I think we’re seeing a new, philanthropic, but still nuts version of Charlie Sheen coming through. I like it.

[via Facebook]

Image via Facebook

      1. SouthGA

        I read an article yesterday on this and it was a shitty waiter. I think the article was on bleacher report.

        10 years ago at 12:10 pm
  1. JordanBelfort

    Charlie Sheen pledges 1,000 dollars for shafted server, aka one tenth of his daily budget for blow.

    10 years ago at 10:21 am
  2. Frat_Kuchar

    Charlie Sheen saving his public image by giving away money, rather than cleaning up his actions. TFM.

    10 years ago at 10:21 am
    1. StarShieldandLamp

      I’m from Philadelphia and have been to PYT burger on a few occasions. The staff is often uneducated blacks with terrible customer service. Last time I went there I had to leave my seat to find my server who was back near the kitchen talking on her cell phone fighting with what I could only assume was her baby daddy.

      My entire group left her a $1 tip on a $30+ tab. We felt like dicks doing it, but she didn’t even deserve $1, clearly McCoy received similar service.

      10 years ago at 12:43 pm
      1. FutureInFratting

        Good thing you mentioned the race there that was surely a large part of the service issue wasn’t it?

        10 years ago at 2:04 pm
      2. FrattyTrappings

        Good thing it’s just a fucking point and not the issue, considering the issue stated was “[dumb bitch] was on her cell phone instead of doing her job.” Get the sand out of your vag, butthurt.

        10 years ago at 3:55 pm
      3. FratAndFree

        you say clearly McCoy received similar service, when you have less than no idea on who his waiting staff was.

        10 years ago at 9:03 pm
      4. StarShieldandLamp

        Clearly if you took your head out of your ass, you could look at the picture of the receipt in which the server is clearly stated as “Rob”, and while yes I do not know “Rob” and have never experienced his service first hand, I have on the other hand experience numerous occasions when the service was terrible. Additionally, each time I have gone there the staff has been predominately African American.

        10 years ago at 10:43 pm
      5. In_need_of_a_Sig

        If they were white would you have still mentioned their race? Them being African American had nothing to do with the poor service you received.

        10 years ago at 10:56 am
      6. Sleazy Asshole

        Since when do TFM users get offended by racism? Shut the fuck you you sound like a PC libtard.

        10 years ago at 8:36 am
      7. Beecher1843

        Sleazy Asshole. Maybe you want to call not being racist a left-wing thing, but TFM users have been offended by racism since they were reasonable and decent human beings who shouldn’t be banned from the site, unlike you. Go home dick wad.

        10 years ago at 10:25 am
  3. Dr. P. Sinbutz

    If he would’ve left no tip it wouldn’t have even been a big deal. He was just sharing how he thought the service was.

    10 years ago at 10:56 am