Let’s Get Weird: May 12

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It’s Friday, graduation and summer and warm weather and all that shit is here, and alcohol is readily available in the United States of America, so let’s get weird.

One of you turds (I forgot which one and I’m not going back to my email to find out) suggested I do one of these every day. They usually pull in the most comments of any piece we do, with Fail Friday being the one possible exception. How do y’all feel about that? Give me feedback and let me know how much you enjoy this series.

If you guys aren’t getting our newsletter, TFM Daily Minutes, I suggest giving it a try. It’s a great snapshot of the prior day’s content. I’m adding a couple quick summaries of the day’s news stories, Babe of the Day, the best pictures and videos from our Instagram feed, and links to our podcasts. Some throwback shit, too.

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What are we getting into this weekend?

Friday vibe

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  1. DrGonzoTFM

    Do one of these on Monday and one on Friday. Maybe it’s just me but having one every day would get old really quickly.

    8 years ago at 1:01 pm
    1. SteveHoltOnDrugs

      Then don’t complain about not having a place to say that you want to stick your dick in the BOTD’s ass.

      8 years ago at 3:50 pm
  2. FearTheJacket

    Not a fan of having this every day. Like Fail Friday, having this as something to look forward to helps build hype and content for the comment section, that’s why it gets so many comments. It would lose it’s appeal if it was daily.

    8 years ago at 1:01 pm
  3. Drunk_Sark

    1. What do you guys think of the show Bojack Horseman?
    2. What do you guys think of Archer: Dreamland?

    I for one picked up Bojack Horseman and ran through it. It was very easy to watch. It’s depressing, but still funny. Kinda thought provoking. As for the new season of Archer, I love it too. It’s better than last season in my opinion.

    8 years ago at 1:01 pm
    1. DrGonzoTFM

      Haven’t watched Bojack Horseman yet but Archer is always funny regardless of which direction they’ve taken the show.

      8 years ago at 1:05 pm
    2. InternationalFratStudent

      I don’t really like dreamland. It’s my least favorite season of archer IMO. I wish ISIS never became a beheading goat fucking organization or else they probably would have kept the special agent shit going on much longer

      8 years ago at 1:11 pm
      1. Butanefratoil

        Isis could have had a merger and renamed. Dreamland is weird, and Woodhouse didn’t need to die

        8 years ago at 3:52 pm
    3. BobMotherFuckingBarker

      Bojack Horseman is way underrated. Hilarious and really makes you think about your place in the universe and shit (great show to watch high).

      8 years ago at 1:20 pm
      1. Drunk_Sark

        I thought Vice was the worst season of archer, they’re all good, but Vice was my least favorite.

        8 years ago at 1:33 pm
    4. Karl Karlson

      Bojack is titties. F is for Family is great too. Everything is better with Redbone and Bill Burr

      8 years ago at 3:27 pm
  4. Edgar_Allen_Bro24

    Don’t do this every day, but do commenter of the week every week!

    8 years ago at 1:02 pm
      1. Edgar_Allen_Bro24

        Kinda like my other idea. Spend $100 at Rowdy Gentleman,, get a link to uncensored rush tits

        8 years ago at 2:50 pm
      2. TFMappsucks

        Its all about exclusivity. I’m down to pay 100 for fire starter and uncensored tits

        8 years ago at 4:55 pm
    1. hahamiright

      They don’t do commenter of the week because all of you are retarded scum

      8 years ago at 6:58 pm
    2. SteveHoltOnDrugs

      I’m the turd who suggested doing this every day. The idea was to post a daily LGW immediately after the BOTD to give the preverts a place to make preverted comments. Dan could post BOTD and LGW each day as a package.

      8 years ago at 12:15 am
      1. Mitch The Godfather Martin

        For fucks sake Jodi, show us your chest cannons or chug bleach.

        8 years ago at 4:59 am
    3. Edgar_Allen_Bro24

      Can you post a “how weird did it get?” On Sunday so that we can all check back in and share crazy stories from the weekend?

      8 years ago at 7:57 am
  5. Broties n Boatshoes

    Dorn. Still waiting for the time and place to out throw you on the gridiron. Give me the details and I’ll take you to the cleaners and then let you pay for my drinks afterward.

    8 years ago at 1:07 pm
  6. InternationalFratStudent

    Heading to Rome for study abroad this summer. Any tips I should know?

    8 years ago at 1:12 pm
    1. LazyRican

      Almost every sight is under restoration, the foid is beyond good almost everywhere, there are bars in riverboats that look pretty cool.

      8 years ago at 1:27 pm
    2. BobMotherFuckingBarker

      Had a buddy that went abroad to Germany, said the women there loved Americans. Don’t know if that plays in Italy, but I’d just keep that in mind

      8 years ago at 1:30 pm
      1. LazyRican

        Yeah they do, they say that Italian men are mamas boys and like that american men are more macho

        8 years ago at 1:32 pm
    3. FratinaHat

      Go to the Drunken Ship. If you take a lemon squirt in the eye you get 5 free shots.

      It’s almost worth it

      8 years ago at 6:56 pm
  7. Colonizer

    I guess as an intern in corporate America, the newsletter doesn’t offer me much cause I spend the entire day reading these articles as they get posted.. granted I am in the minority but I don’t think I need a recap of all the content I already read. Good idea for the less pathetic readers out there though who has actual things to do all day besides getting annoyed at Wally articles and beating it to BOTD

    8 years ago at 1:21 pm
  8. BobMotherFuckingBarker

    Gonna keep it going with the throwback jersey thread

    Vince Young-Texas
    Sean Taylor-Redskins (would say Miami, but it’s extremely tough to find)
    Doc Gooden-Mets
    Jeff Bagwell-Astros (80’s sunrise jersey)
    Patrick Kane-Blackhawks (not a throwback, but Pat Kane is FAF so it plays)

    8 years ago at 1:28 pm
    1. Jim_Harbaugh

      RIP Sean Taylor, he was a beast. One of the hardest hitting safeties of all time

      8 years ago at 1:48 pm
      1. Shut up Meg

        Dont know if its been said but patrick roy – avalanche and dominick hasek – buffalo sabres

        8 years ago at 1:52 pm
      1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

        Chris Paul jersey is actually sauce. I’ll be sure to pick one up

        8 years ago at 2:27 pm
    2. DrGonzoTFM

      Jack Lambert jersey. I can’t stand the Steelers but Jack was one hell of a badass.

      8 years ago at 2:50 pm
    3. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

      Rob Dibble, obviously Nasty Boys era.
      Randy Johnson, Astros or Expos.

      8 years ago at 7:11 pm
    4. Mitch The Godfather Martin

      Larry Walker – Rockies, Tony Gwynn – Padres, Larry Bird – Indiana State, Len Bias -Maryland, Kurt Warner – Rams

      8 years ago at 5:26 am
  9. SirCarlosIII

    Throwback jersey thread. Mine are: Rod Carew, Bo (any sport), Ken Griffey Jr., Reggie Miller, Barkley, Stockton, Mariano, Fluttie

    8 years ago at 2:11 pm
  10. Gerald R. Ford

    Who else thinks that was actually Florida HC Jim McElwain that molested the shark?

    8 years ago at 2:27 pm