Live Protest Scheduled For Today In Response To Kappa Sigma’s Asian-Themed Party At Duke

Herro nice Duke peopre! You may be in some trouble.

I know Duke students are smart kids. I know this. So when, and after fielding complaints regarding the impropriety of their ‘Kappa Sigma Asia Prime’ that was to occur on February 1, they decided to proceed with the racially insensitive party, they had to know there’d be volatile recourse from the Duke community. Students caught wind of the party after a poorly-worded email invitation was passed around. So, how bad was it?

Kappa Sigma

Ah, shit. I think the “Chank You” line did you guys in. Should’ve left that one in the holster.

Now sure, there is some — SOME — pretty funny shit in that email, as long as you’re the type that doesn’t take life too seriously and lets lowbrow humor roll off the back. But shit, there are not enough people like that. You have to understand that. A good rule of thumb to go by is if you’re dealing with racial stereotypes, people of that race are going to be offended. Every time. Therefore, don’t go down that route.

Okay, so they decided to change the theme to “international affairs,” but when the partygoers show up dressed in full Asian garb, including sumo fat suits, kimonos, and conical straw hats, your PC defense doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

An Asian student group at Duke University has filed a formal complaint with the school after a fraternity hosted a weekend party with a theme that some consider racist.

Naturally. It was only a matter of time. What else?

The Asian Students Association said Wednesday it will hold a 1 p.m. protest on campus. The group issued the invitation through their Facebook page, entitled “Race Is Not a Party: Rally for an Inclusive Duke”. More than 700 people have indicated they will attend.


[They] will use this opportunity to spread awareness of why the events of the past week were hurtful and to establish a concrete plan for how our community can move forward.”

Kappa Sigma President Luke Keohane did apologize in an article published by Duke’s independent student newspaper, The Chronicle:

“Upon learning of the deeply damaging effects of our email to our fellow students, we should have completely canceled the aforementioned party,” Keohane said, according to the newspaper. “The Duke Community in which we exist is one that we see too often as divided, and while our actions have brought attention to and widened that divide, it is our sincere intention to work to contribute to a United Duke.”

Duke students, if shit gets heated at today’s protest, keep us updated. Email me:

Here are more photos of the #RacistRager:




[via WRAL, Facebook]

Images via Facebook


  1. FratterNation

    “I would’ve bet you a million bucks that Orientals were not a sensitive race of people”

    12 years ago at 1:10 am
  2. OneRowdyGentlemen

    People should know by now that trying to get a frat to not do something is the equivalent of saying “Bet you won’t do it pussy”. To which they will always do it.

    12 years ago at 1:10 pm

    I guess Kappa Sig really is the same everywhere. Around here their nothing but a bunch of redneck alcoholics who don’t do anything but get drunk all the time and start fights at bars for no reason. Kappa Sig NF

    12 years ago at 1:24 pm
    1. dukenavalhistorians

      they’re actually basically an international frat at duke, which is part of the irony of this whole thing

      12 years ago at 10:59 pm
    2. Nicbrodemus

      “alcoholics who don’t do anything but get drunk all the time and start fights at bars for no reason,” sounds FaF to me.

      12 years ago at 10:52 am