Local News Interrupts World Cup for Tornado Warning, People Lose Their Shit

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In 1968, network broadcasting did something so unspeakable that people still haven’t forgiven them to this day. They cut away from a football game. The game was one of the most infamous regular season games of all time, as the Jets and Raiders were running long and the game was suddenly changed to the TV movie “Heidi.” Most of America missed out on the heroics late in the game as Oakland scored two touchdowns for a thrilling come from behind win.

While we didn’t have Twitter back then, I imagine the reactions were pretty similar to what transpired during the final minutes of the World Cup championship match between Germany and Argentina. With the score tied 0-0, a local ABC affiliate, WENY, cut away from the game with just more than six minutes left in extra time, leaving viewers in southern New York and northern Pennsylvania to watch coverage of a tornado warning. The viewers completely missed Germany’s winning goal.

Needless to say, people lost their shit.

It’s been more than 40 years since the historic Heidi Bowl fiasco, and it seems as if broadcast networks still haven’t learned that we don’t give a shit about anything other than our sports.

Moral of the story? Fuck local news.

[via Deadspin]

Image via Twitter

    1. HouseChef_TFM

      Disregarding basic intelligence and creating a username that you think sounds cool and is funny but actually translates to your ass being a dwelling of some sort, probably for penises. TButtHutM.

      10 years ago at 12:02 pm
  1. Upstanding Gentleman

    To be fair, I would rather watch a tornado destroy my town than a soccer game.

    10 years ago at 12:33 pm
  2. Doesnt Quite Get It

    American stations asserting dominance over soccer games that doesn’t involve the USA. FaF.

    10 years ago at 12:43 pm