Is This The End Of “Locker Room Talk” As We Know It?
Sunday night’s game of liar’s poker presidential debate started off right where it was expected to; the recording of a conversation Donald Trump had 11 years ago with Billy Bush in which he is heard making lewd, sexual remarks that sparked national outrage took center stage.
For starters, I’m not sure why anyone was shocked by these remarks. Trump has made no real attempt to cover up his past behavior. In fact, he seems rather proud of it. From what I’ve seen out of his rolodex of women over the years, I can’t say I blame him. This is the Trump America knew they would be getting from day 1. There should’ve been no surprise that these words were ever uttered by the Don. Say what you will about how un-presidential those comments were and how it was embarrassing as a nation to have this topic as a focal point at the debate. I won’t argue that it wasn’t, but it was damn entertaining TV. The Don did what he had to do — he apologized. You could tell he was actually somewhat embarrassed by the situation.
This has now become a prime example of why guys don’t rat out other guys. Talk amongst dudes is sacred. Chicks tell other chicks about the inner workings of their mind; it’s what they do. There is honor amongst men when it comes to “locker room talk,” as it’s oft called, as well. If women heard even a tenth of the conversations guys truly have when they weren’t around, they’d all be lesbians. There is no greater form of birth control than the revelation of these discussions (unless you’re Melania, of course).
You know who the only people guys lie to more than women are? Other guys. We all want to be the big swinging dick in the room. There’s no better way to stroke your own ego than to give the boys the impression that you have more money, can get more women, or can drive the ball longer off the tee. Is that pretentious? Sure, yet we all deep down, whether we admit it or not, would like the ability to be able to brag about all of those accomplishments. And when we don’t, we lie/exaggerate about it to save face.
For those sitting on their high horse, like those saying, “What kind of locker rooms is Trump hanging out in?,” and professional athletes citing “I’ve never experienced locker room talk like that?” They are either complete hypocrites or have been spending far too much of their time in “safe spaces.” Get out and live, man. You know why you haven’t ever been privy to conversations like that? For one reason or another, you aren’t deemed trustworthy enough. You’re probably the type of guy who runs home and tells his wife everything and puts the rest of the boys in the doghouse with their significant others.
Look, I’m not defending Trump’s comments. Of course they were disrespectful and over the top. But I won’t sit here and say I haven’t been in the presence of conversations like this hundreds of times. The vast majority of the time it’s just dudes being dudes. Tongue in cheek comments that you have to take with a grain of salt, especially if the beers are flowing. Maybe I spend too much time hanging out with those deplorables Hillary referred too.
I understand the difference between an insecure man trying to show off in front of the boys, which I think Trump was, in this case, and an actual sexual predator. If I’m proven wrong, so be it. It’s certainly possible there is evidence out there that will be revealed in the days to come proving Trump has crossed the line before. If that turns out to be the case, then fare thee well, Donald. There is no room for inappropriate sexual misconduct in this world, let alone from the person holding the most powerful position in the world. If only there was someone for Trump to draw a parallel comparison with regarding this incident…
Let’s not forget to give Donald credit where it’s due; it takes a big man to admit when they strike out with a woman. Those might be the rarest words to come out of any man’s mouth. Those are secrets typically taken to the grave. I’d rather die with my buddies believing I took home that blonde bombshell from the bar last night than admit I went home and feel asleep with a slice of pizza on my stomach and Netflix asking “are you still watching Stranger Things?”
For the record, I don’t have an allegiance to Trump or Hillary. I’m having as hard a time as anyone accepting these are the major party candidates. However, Monday night did provide me with the person I’ve been seeking to cast my vote for – Ken Bone for president.
Image via YouTube
Is this the end of TFM? I really hope so
8 years ago at 1:38 pmI dunno those yuppies over at Barstool are pretty douchey
8 years ago at 1:46 pmLetting employees go, packing up their office. Soon one morning we will open the TFM site to see it gone.
8 years ago at 1:40 pmProbably tomorrow.
8 years ago at 1:45 pmLet’s hope so. Get rid of the website 2016.
8 years ago at 1:53 pmThey could bring back the forums, rush tits, boobs, and other great things, and perhaps save the site.
8 years ago at 1:56 pmI’d even settle for a FF by 9am
8 years ago at 2:18 pmDon’t worry, Rowdy Gentleman and Man Outfitters will still be here.
8 years ago at 2:59 pmProbably going under from all the no-bids returning their rowdy gentleman wardrobe. Had a kid show up to two rush events head to toe in rg gear, one with American flag shorts, tank, and hat. At least he thought it was cool.
8 years ago at 6:02 pm
8 years ago at 2:04 pmViva La Stool
8 years ago at 1:43 pmAgain, could the Grandex staff not get off to the idea of keeping us in the dark and just update on us….
We are the ones who made you who you are…
8 years ago at 1:46 pmWriters on a shitty website?
8 years ago at 3:47 pmIt shouldn’t be the end of locker room talk. It should be the end of recording locker room talk.
In today’s world quit fucking recording everything on your phone. It isn’t worth getting bent over for later.
8 years ago at 2:07 pmAnd the end of people posting the videos and pics online for a few likes opening up the possibility that some SJW with too much time on their hands and a void where personal fulfillment and accomplishment in their lives should be can then see it and get his/her panties bunched up over it.
8 years ago at 2:22 pmYou never know who else might be recording though. Everybody’s phone is now a mobile video camera and tape recorder. Unless you are literally the only two people in the room, you have to treat every conversation like it might end up public if you’re famous. Sucks, but that’s just the world we live in now.
8 years ago at 2:24 pmMan, join the rest of us in reality. That recording was embarrassing cus he came off as the old, creepy dude feeling up 20 year old waitresses that are clearly trying not to throw up in their mouths. If that’s what your banter sounds like, then you a bitch.
8 years ago at 2:10 pmIn reality, 20 year old waitresses were more likely to be feeling up Donald Trump, at least back when he was only known for being a rich, reality TV star.
8 years ago at 3:30 pmI didn’t have high hopes about the comments section of this article, since a lot of the kids on here now seem to be highschool virgins BUT I’m actually pleasantly surprised so many dudes on here actually get it… saying pussy is nbd, hitting on married women on the other hand is just shitty.. being 59 years old and talking like this is straight up embarassing..
8 years ago at 4:42 amThis. People are focusing too much on the profanity in the tape. That’s not the issue, the issue is the content. This is 60-year-old married father of four talking about kissing and groping married women (possibly) without their consent. He could have said this without uttering a single swear word and it would still be completely fucked up and wrong.
8 years ago at 2:26 pmYea, you’re right. No young and attractive women EVER make themselves available to rich, older men. And they would certainly throw themselves at them. Sugar babies don’t actually exist.
8 years ago at 2:24 pmIn this case he was specifically talking about a married woman. And believe it or not, being rich and famous does not automatically mean every single woman you meet is willing to fuck you. A lot will, but most won’t. Especially if they are happily married.
8 years ago at 2:28 pmI’d like to see an article written about the end of the “Good ole boys network” I think it’d be interesting and ties into what you were trying to say here.
Have a better writer write it please.
8 years ago at 2:12 pmSeeking a partner for rough sex. I love anal and bdsm. what do you love? My sexy pictures and contacts here
8 years ago at 2:22 pmDM me
8 years ago at 2:33 pmCan I grab you by the pussy?
8 years ago at 2:44 pmCan’t you read? She wants you to grab her by the small intestine.
8 years ago at 4:51 pmGive me a break. Sure, ogling over an attractive woman with your buddy is nothing out of the ordinary, but everything else in that recording was plain disgusting and nothing I’ve ever heard out loud, at least without someone telling the guy who said it to pump the brakes. You can try to write off his comments as hyperbole and tongue-in-cheek all you want, and I’m not saying they were 100% serious or evidence of sexual assault, but they were still creepy and crossed the line. Sorry if I’m on my “high horse.”
8 years ago at 2:26 pmI watched the video for the first time just now, and I was shocked at how tame it actually is. This whole weekend the outrage made it seem like he advocated raping random women on the street, but all he really said is he once tried to fuck a chick and struck out, and because he’s a celebrity, women let him be more touchy than if he wasn’t a billionaire TV star. Which is the truth. I don’t see what the big deal is.
8 years ago at 3:22 pmExactly. People act like they’ve never heard or said the word “pussy” before. Oh the outrage!
8 years ago at 3:32 pmDoes anyone really have a problem with him using the word “pussy.” Hell, I didn’t even find the “you can grab them by the pussy” comment to be overly objectionable, since it seemed pretty tongue-in-cheek. The comment juxtaposed with everything else he said and the genuineness of those other sentiments is what bothered me. Also, he knew the woman he was trying to fuck was married, which I’m sure the high schoolers on this site will defend as being frat, but in reality that’s a pretty shitty thing to do and a reflection of poor character.
8 years ago at 4:10 pmI agree going for a married woman is bad, but the the false claims about “sexual assualt” and people getting all worked up about his words is utter and complete bullshit. 95% of the men on this board have said/done similar things
8 years ago at 4:36 pmWhile I’m not questioning you or your story, I really have a hard time swallowing that you haven’t heard something along those lines without being a bit sheltered. Not trying to sound like I’m more developed in the social scene or whatnot, just saying that in my experience the things the Don said are not even close to the vulgarity I heard throughout college or the lunch table at the office. Were they very distasteful comments? Absolutely, but to say are rare would be contrary to reality. All in all, no one gets hurt if they’re smart enough to not be heard by the wrong party.
8 years ago at 4:32 pmI stand by my opinion that what he was saying went a little farther than my friends and I would usually go. Maybe that’s because it was him saying it, not some 21 year old guy, and he certainly has the power and status to sexually strong-arm women without consequence. Basically, his entire life he’s more or less done what he wants and has always got his way, so it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if the things he’s describing are closer to reality than someone like you or me joking about it at the house. But yeah, saying I had never heard stuff like that out loud was a stretch, thanks for calling me on it.
8 years ago at 8:25 pmThe thing I think we’re missing here (either due to hate for Hillary or appreciation for Trump or some combination of both) is that his comments essentially boil down to “if you’re rich and powerful, you can do anything you want to women.” Whether he really meant that or not, if you’re a chick, that’s a pretty fucked up thing to hear, especially from a guy running for president as part of the party that was just trying to protect women from similar things happening to girls in bathrooms by trans people.
When you combine all that with shit like Brock Turner, who essentially did the exact thing Trump described and more or less got away with it because he’s powerful (athlete and a prestigious school)…well it just makes the entire tape seem pretty fucked up.
8 years ago at 7:47 amTrump also insisted that he was just joking and never actually did that stuff, but his description is eerily similar to the details of multiple alleged incidents where different women have accused him of forcibly kissing and groping him. They’ve even mentioned the Tic Tac thing. I’m not giving him the benefit of the doubt here.
8 years ago at 2:17 pmSeriously. “Locker room talk” means crude, gross, and profanity-laced stories about *consensual* sexual encounters with women. Not literally forcing yourself on them and grabbing their pussies without consent. I’m not saying Trump is a full-on rapist necessarily, but the shit he was saying on this tape was definitely creepy as fuck and way out of the norm of standard guy banter. And even then, “locker room talk” is shit that single guys in college and their 20’s say. Trump was a 60-year-old father of four with a pregnant wife at home when he said this. You’d think he would have grown out of that stuff by that stage of his life.
8 years ago at 2:14 pmHoly shit. Just catching up. How much money did you idiots lose on that movie? Frat in peace regs and boosh.
8 years ago at 3:12 pm