Frat Stamp no shit. I drink blue moon and fat tire. i make the pledges drink natty. 15 years ago at 2:00 am
Brolo Cup Please bring blue moon long necks to a tailgate, you can store them in your cargo pockets. 15 years ago at 1:24 am
Frattt Fuck natty light, I hope raising your standards in terms of beer catches on to the Greek community. You can brag about all the wealth you have but you cant throw down and extra 5$ so you aren’t drinking piss. 14 years ago at 7:28 pm
No, it’s because you’re poor.
15 years ago at 10:29 pmno shit. I drink blue moon and fat tire. i make the pledges drink natty.
15 years ago at 2:00 amPlease bring blue moon long necks to a tailgate, you can store them in your cargo pockets.
15 years ago at 1:24 amLets be honest, Natty Light tastes like old bananas.
14 years ago at 11:46 pmFuck natty light, I hope raising your standards in terms of beer catches on to the Greek community. You can brag about all the wealth you have but you cant throw down and extra 5$ so you aren’t drinking piss.
14 years ago at 7:28 pm