Sean Payton becoming the NFL's highest paid coach after returning from a year-long suspension. TFM.

  1. itsDallin

    That’s cool and all, but I’m just not sure it qualifies as a total frat move.

    12 years ago at 6:29 pm
    1. Hoo Frats Harder

      ^Thanks for clarifying. I’m sure he was desperately waiting for your approval, champ.

      12 years ago at 9:25 pm
  2. TFM Repeater

    Sean Payton becoming the NFL’s highest paid coach after returning from a year-long suspension. TFM.

    12 years ago at 9:06 pm
    1. Cream 3 point one 4

      Please go shotgun a gallon of antifreeze and then come back and try again.

      12 years ago at 10:48 pm
  3. Plan B is Plan A

    Jerry Sandusky becoming the NCAA’s highest paid coach after a 30-year suspension. FaF

    12 years ago at 9:10 pm
    1. ImTTweakedTC

      How can somebody that’s into diddling little boys be frat? If it were butt-pee and some cheerleaders it’d be a completely different story.

      12 years ago at 9:28 pm