apartment complexes ruining college campuses

Luxury Housing Complexes Are Ruining College Campuses Across America

apartment complexes ruining college campuses

The number one thing ruining college campuses these days isn’t political correctness run amok, draconian drinking rules imposed by universities in a futile attempt to curb partying, or even moron bicyclists who deserve a stick jammed into their spokes. Instead, it is the misguided notion set forth by university housing departments and campus realty companies that students need to live in sleek, modernized residencies equipped with the latest and greatest amenities in order to feel truly comfortable on campus. From the University of Illinois to Drexel to UT-Austin to Mizzou to the University of Wisconsin-Madison to Miami (Ohio) to the University of Arizona, the splendor of countless college campuses is being raped by these modern developments.

This is bullshit. Every other generation of college students has lived in what would be most generously described as “squalor” without complaining about a lack of luxurious amenities, and they turned out just fine. Since when the hell is comfort a requirement for your college abode? All you need is a roof over your head, running water to flush your huge, runny beer shits down the toilet, electricity to power the fridge that keeps said beer cold, and a space large enough to fit a single bed so you can give some rando an express ride on the Pound Town Express. Sorry you can’t have fancy things like reliably functional air conditioning, Mr. Rockefeller, but those are the brakes when you’re a broke-ass college student. No wonder kids are so soft these days.

Nevertheless, campuses across the country are moving forward with projects to significantly upgrade and build new living spaces. Dormitories that closely resemble county jailhouses in terms of room size and disgusting communal areas are undergoing renovations to make more spacious rooms and common areas that would put luxury hotel lounges to shame. Since mostly freshmen live in dorms, why are schools spending tons of money and expending valuable resources to make such extravagant living spaces for them? They’re basically the pledges of the college system, and they should be treated as such. They need to pay their dues and spend a year living in the equivalent of an Abu Ghraib prison cell before earning the privilege of moving into some place slightly less shitty. Besides — if you’re living your freshman year right, it shouldn’t matter what your dorm room is like; you’ll never be in there.

Even worse than the fancy dorms are the luxury apartment complexes that are starting to pop up on campuses all over the country. They look like metropolitan condos and are completely out of place on a college campus. What kind of Greg Marmalard motherfucker moves into these kinds of places? The rents are heinously expensive, and the building is sanitized to the point that it’s completely void of character. And just because you move into a place that’s new, clean, and equipped with top-of-the-line appliances doesn’t mean you’ll suddenly stop being a slovenly piece of shit and actually take care of the place; no sane college kid will. Might as well save the hundreds of dollars in rent every month to live in a dump of an apartment that you can throw parties in and destroy with impunity.

Not even Greek life — the industry standard for questionably habitable living spaces — is immune to this pernicious trend. A lot of chapters are building bigger and nicer houses for actives to live in. I’m talking places that are nicer than some of the houses you’ll see in upscale, suburban subdivisions. What could possibly go wrong with moving an entire chapter full of actives on a warpath of drunkenness and destruction into a place like that? That place will turn into a Detroit-style shanty faster than a pledge can recite the Greek alphabet. I would trust a pack of wolverines to not tear the place apart more than I would a group of active fraternity members. They’re better off continuing to live in a house that’s barely fit for occupation until it’s run down to the point of condemnation.

Living in shithole dorms, houses, and apartments is an integral part of the college experience, and not just because it’s common sense to house a bunch of hard-partying 18-22 year olds in a pit that landlords are indifferent about getting destroyed. It’s an important exercise in character building that you emerge from having gained valuable life experiences and lessons. You’ll either gain a greater appreciation for the nice place you move into sometime during your postgrad years, or you’ll be fully prepared for a lifetime of living in crappy places because it’s all you can afford on the salary you earn at your mediocre job. By spending your college years in a pampered dorm or apartment, you are actively contributing to the pussification of our college campuses and America as a whole. Don’t be afraid to slum it up with the rest of us. It’s more fun down here, anyway.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. PartyOnWayne

    Drexel literally has 4 of these and are in the process of building a 5th. One has a rooftop pool on the 33rd floor

    8 years ago at 1:53 pm
  2. HGL_JMU

    If you go to college and live in complex called “The Retreat”. You might be gay.

    8 years ago at 2:11 pm
  3. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

    The problem is well beyond housing (eg. forced meal plans, insane sports facilities, massive bonuses) and is simpler. When the university spends more, they can charge more; couple that by defining accomplishments as successful extravagant expenditures to justify bigger paychecks and bonuses. The underlying issue is how we define nonprofit and the fact there is zero oversight requiring universities to justify such expenditures. The government has allowed a system where universities can as much as they wanted with only two stipulations – spend it and don’t raise tuition too quickly.
    For fuck’s sake, at the start of every spring and end of every summer, if new construction doesn’t start that season, my university rips up every garden and buys new plants in excess just to spend the cash and avoid fines.

    8 years ago at 3:29 pm
  4. crawfishman

    I’m no Donald Trump or Steve Wynn, but I don’t think you have to be to realize developers don’t think students deserve it, they know that some will pay for it

    8 years ago at 4:11 pm
    1. crawfishman

      Also in case you haven’t caught on just yet, college is run like a business. If two stores sold the same thing, but one was a complete shithole and the other was nice as hell, where would you spend your cash?

      8 years ago at 4:16 pm
      1. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

        In reality, they’re both shitholes buying pretty things and stealing trillions from sheltered teenagers with no promise of any job, not even a full time job at a grocery store.

        8 years ago at 6:43 pm
  5. Otter Stratton J.D.

    Here at Illinois they have constructed over the past five years about a dozen brand new apartment complexes ranging from upscale to obscene. But there wasn’t a demand for this housing until the University started letting in thousands more students each year, soon to be one of, if not the largest public university in terms of student population.

    Want to know where these new students are coming from? Asia. They let in rich Asians who pay a significant out of country tuition, on top of which they’re willing to live in these ridiculously expensive apartments (and drive around in horribly painted Maseratis)

    I mean, more power to them since they have all that money, and our state can’t pass a fucking budget. So, I guess thanks for subsidizing my scholarship.

    8 years ago at 4:38 pm
    1. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

      There’s another massive flaw I missed. They all seem to be admitting every single fuck that applies and fully knowing that a third will fucking drop out quickly – easy income, send the bill and kick them out. And plenty of ours are rich Saudis that have no expectation of staying in America. It’s just a 1-2yr vacation. And nobody hates these Saudis more than other Arabic-speaking students.

      8 years ago at 6:39 pm
    2. Shoeless_bro_jackson69

      Kind of just commented the same thing but yeah the Asian students at U of I are might be the most wealthy people in the whole city. Maserati’s to them are like a 3 series to most American students. Blows my mind

      8 years ago at 9:33 pm
      1. Shoeless_bro_jackson69

        Also word on the street is they will drive these cars to the airport and just fucking leave them there with the keys sitting in the glove box. That’s real money.

        8 years ago at 9:35 pm
      2. Shoeless_bro_jackson69

        Agreed. I’m about to start scoping out O’hare airport parking lot for unlocked ferarris around graduation time.

        8 years ago at 7:49 am
  6. Fratthew McCoonaughey

    clemson is about to finish a new luxurious housing complex right now too. and they wonder why college kids are broke

    8 years ago at 7:18 pm
  7. ScottyA

    This is all part of the same thing. Coddle the youth and then wonder why everyone is a bunch of bitches. The older I get the worse it seems.

    8 years ago at 8:00 pm
    1. bMack4

      Emphasis on ‘older’ when did you graduate, if you actually attended a university?

      8 years ago at 9:52 pm
  8. Asian Guy

    As a recent grad a couldn’t agree more- and not only is luxury student housing making us soft but it’s also part of the problem of the rising cost of college.

    8 years ago at 8:14 am

    First it was if you drive one of these nice cars your a douche. Then it was the failing “TFM movie” just lol. Now this? Who makes these post. I spent 9 months in 120 degree weather to be able to afford all my “privileged luxuries” and when I bring girls back from ragers they always say how nice my car and apartment are so *shrugs. TFM Is Trash

    8 years ago at 8:45 am