Mailbag: Frat Culture Takes Over Austin Area High School
Lately, my inbox has become a dumping site for every high school frat star tidbit you creeps come across (or make up out of thin air). Some of them are column-worthy, many are trash, and a few are clearly fake. While sifting through the many “Uncle Rodge, please blast my try-hard douche friend” emails, I came across one that caught my eye. This one is clearly real, as evidenced by the above photo, and it was probably column-worthy on its own merit, but since the high school involved is only about 10 miles away, as the crow flies, from TFM headquarters, I felt a certain responsibility to cover it. These students are among us. TFM is, at minimum, a catalyst in their fraternity-themed cultural movement. Hell, I think we’ve even rubbed elbows a time or two during lunch breaks with these future fratters of America.
Here is the email I received from a concerned alumnus of Lake Travis High School — home of Todd Reesing, Garrett Gilbert, six-time defending football state champions, and the Lambda Tau Eta Sigma graduating senior class:
Dear Uncle Roger,
My name is ***** ********* and I have some information about my old high school that you may want to write about in a column with all of this new “14-YOBA” and “High School Frat Star” bullshit.
I’m originally from Austin and went to Lake Travis High School; and if you aren’t aware, that means rich try-hard f*****s who love drinking from their parents’ liquor cabinet, getting handy-j’s in a movie theater, and TFM. Recently, I got to take a look at what the little jizz rags made as far as a senior shirt…Let me just tell you, it honestly took a lot of will power not to pull a Rebecca Martinson and verbally nuke these kiddos back to day care.
The senior class thinks they’re in a high school fraternity/sorority. Shit you not. “Lambda Tau Eta Sigma,” formerly known as Lake Travis High School, made their senior shirts that kind of make me want to assault a minor. There is a photo attached of the shirts.
Thank you for your time.
***** *********
P.S. I asked you to haze my little bro like a year ago via twitter and I’m still holding you to that Rodge.
First of all, let me address this line:
“that means rich try-hard f*****s who love drinking from their parents’ liquor cabinet, getting handy-j’s in a movie theater, and TFM.”
Yeah, well, all that stuff sounds pretty fucking awesome to me. I’m squarely in my 20s, and I can get onboard with everything you mentioned in that one sentence. Being rich? It’s the American dream. Drinking from my parents’ liquor cabinet? Yep, I actually did that sitting poolside all day on Sunday for Cinco de Mayo. Doesn’t cost you anything and they usually stock the good stuff. Getting handy-Js in a movie theater? Um, where do I sign up? I can’t even remember the last time I got a tug, but I definitely remember them being pretty awesome back in the day. And I know for certain I never got tugged in a movie theater, not to mention multiple movie tugs as you insinuate by the plural use of “handy-j’s.” Like I said, all that stuff sounds pretty awesome to me. And TFM? Obviously, man.
Back in high school, I remember spending Tuesday through Friday afternoon trying to line up a parental liquor heist and a tug for the weekend. Up to this point, it sounds like the Lambda Tau Eta Sigmas are living the high school dream.
Let’s talk about the shirts now. As far as I’m concerned, there are two schools of thought to choose from here: A) these little high school nerds have no right representing Greek letters of any kind, just a bunch of try-hards, or B) you gotta respect the bold statement these kids are making — simply ahead of their time.
If you think I’m not buying the latter school of thought, you’re sorely mistaken. This is a forward-thinking, boss move. A statement. If I had to choose the quality I admire most in someone, it’s got to be cockiness. The Lambda Tau Eta Sigmas are just pissing on the feet of the entire collegiate Greek system, and I love them for it.
When they arrive on college campuses all over the country next fall, they’re going to be doing so with chips on their shoulders as big as their balls — the metaphoric equivalent of bursting into a 400-person lecture hall on the first day 10 minutes after class starts by running and jump-kicking open both double doors at the same time. They’re wearing their Lambda Tau Eta Sigma tanks, too.
They’re all going Greek, obviously — all first round, five-star, bluechip prospects. Riddle me this: say you’re hosting a rush party and a Lambda Tau Eta Sigma walks through the front door rocking this tank. Do you roll out the red carpet or do you roll out the red carpet?
Send me one of these shirts. I need one like I’ve never needed a shirt before. Size Large, please.
P.S. It would be my honor to haze your little brother.
This shit is happening across the damn country. I’m a Younglife leader in my college town and I see and hear high schoolers talking about TFM and wearing tryhard stuff all the time. Freshman formal used the fucking Vinyard Vines whale wearing a bowtie with TFM logos on it for their “stay classy” event which not only sounds absolutely horrid for freshmen, but it’s also blatant copyright infringement on whomever designed the logos/sold the shirts.
12 years ago at 2:28 pmGlad to see we have you as a YL leader
12 years ago at 10:49 pm^
12 years ago at 3:21 amGimme a break you’re siding with those asshats? This exactly why Fraternities are getting in trouble with their schools and IFCs. We have to haze these pussies exponentially harder to exorcise the cocky retard out of them. Then they bitch to their mommies. Step away from the keyboard Roger, hold your arm outstretched in a fist, and bring it back rapidly into your face multiple times.
12 years ago at 2:29 pmShut it, geed.
12 years ago at 2:40 pm^ THIS
12 years ago at 2:51 pm^^
12 years ago at 3:28 pmOle Rog telling up Geeds
12 years ago at 4:50 pmCo-ed Fraternities, NF
12 years ago at 2:29 pmCoed threesomes, also NF.
12 years ago at 4:52 pmOh man what I would do to get one of these kids in my basement
12 years ago at 2:30 pmthis could be taken in two ways
12 years ago at 4:17 pm^, ^^ Fuck Pike
12 years ago at 4:40 pmFratdusky?
12 years ago at 4:52 pmphrasing…..
12 years ago at 1:38 pmNotion to require a collegiate email account to join this site…
12 years ago at 2:30 pmYou’ve lost your edge, Dorn. This shit is ridiculously stupid. The old Roger Dorn would have kicked these kids straight in the balls and you’re planting your tongue in their butthole.
12 years ago at 2:31 pm^^ Second. Too bad it would never actually happen given the site traffic those kids probably bring in.
12 years ago at 2:52 pmThat would be a short-sighted solution. What about college grads who don’t have access to their school emails? Besides, as a business, why would we ever intentionally restrict our audience?
12 years ago at 4:23 pm^^Because being more selective and elitist can help ? You want to be Facebook, not Myspace. Also, this is a website for fraternities so it makes sense on a lot of levels.
12 years ago at 6:29 pm^ It actually makes zero business sense. Zero. Arguing otherwise doesn’t bode well for one’s intelligence.
12 years ago at 6:34 pmTFM requiring college email accounts. NF.
12 years ago at 7:16 pmTFM requiring listserv accounts. FaF.
Feels ^
12 years ago at 11:34 am^^^^^
12 years ago at 7:10 pmThis entire website is fucking gay now, I’ve heard of kids bringing their TFM books to high school and reading it to the class. I use this website for rush boobs and fail Friday.
Oh and Dorn and Bacon, all those shameless self plugs for rowdy gentlemen in y’all’s tweets makes me punch my 12 week old puppy in the face. Think about that you fucking clowns
12 years ago at 7:32 pmCould I just sign in with my Brazzers account?
12 years ago at 12:31 am^
12 years ago at 9:19 amI like punching puppies in the face.
12 years ago at 3:58 pmI mean, at least they’re enthusiastic. My high school, full of liberal teachers would discourage any students on their way to college from joining Greek life.
12 years ago at 2:31 pmI don’t know if I wanna laugh or cry about this article. So i’ll just masterbate.
12 years ago at 2:31 pm
12 years ago at 2:34 pm^
12 years ago at 3:58 pm^
12 years ago at 4:25 pmWhere does Dorn find all these image clips?
12 years ago at 4:57 pm^ This one was on the Chive not too long ago
12 years ago at 1:08 amYou’ve lost your edge, Dorn. This shit is ridiculously stupid. The old Roger Dorn would have kicked these kids straight in the balls and you’re planting your tongue in their butthole.
12 years ago at 2:32 pmHelp me recapture the old me!
12 years ago at 2:39 pm^ get back on your horse soldier, I’ll be expecting better material from you next time!
12 years ago at 3:37 pm^^^Delta Chi, NF.
12 years ago at 4:29 pmDorn, 46 YOBA.
Dorn is growing up. :'(
12 years ago at 7:23 pm^^^^^Somebody missed the sarcasm….
12 years ago at 1:39 pmDude your going all Jerry Sandusky on us with this little kid talk.
12 years ago at 2:33 pmUnfortunately, no one remembers the sophomore-year nike high-top socks (at least two pairs on) trend. 🙁
12 years ago at 2:34 pm