Man Breaks Into ASU Dorm, Asks To Eat Out Female Student, Gets Arrested For Robbing Drake’s Tour Bus


Earlier this week, Drake had millions of dollars of jewelry jacked from his tour bus while he performed in Phoenix, Arizona. Now, police have finally caught the guy they believe is responsible after he allegedly got really high, broke into an Arizona State student’s dorm room and asked to eat her out. It did not go in his favor.

From TMZ:

Travion King was arrested at Arizona State University Wednesday, but we’ve now learned he allegedly broke into a student’s dorm room in the middle of the night. The woman said she woke up to King trying to climb into her bed, telling her he’d never been with a white girl … and offered to “eat her out.”

The woman freaked and ran to another room, where she and a friend called campus cops and had Travion arrested. Cops say King told them he’d been smoking weed and PCP, and broke into the dorm because he wanted to “smoke and f***” and was thinking with the “wrong head.”

Well, I did not expect things to come to an end that way. I mean, the fact this all went down in the Phoenix, Arizona area doesn’t surprise me — it’s basically a miniature version of Florida where weird shit happens all the time.

As KPNX reports, King had to be buzzed into the building and then entered the student’s room through an unlocked door. Not surprisingly, the ASU employee who let King in has been fired. That, and I assume students will be more interested in LOCKING THEIR FUCKING DOORS WHILE THEY’RE SLEEPING. Good lord. At least make it a challenge for a murderer to break into your room. It takes half a second to lock that damn thing. Your roommate has got a key and if she don’t then she better get stepping and find a dick to sleep on.

The most shocking part of this is that police reportedly found all the jewelry in the briefcase still intact. If this dude is brazen enough to break into a dorm and ask for sex then I’d guess he’s just crazy enough to pawn some precious jewels.

[via TMZ]

  1. TaylorSwiftsPubeGroomer

    Should’ve asked to eat ass. Way higher probability of a yes

    9 years ago at 9:18 pm
  2. Mike Donnelly

    Would’ve been a different story if that chick had known he was a millionaire.

    9 years ago at 10:46 pm