Man Dies After Watching Too Much World Cup

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I’m all for the fans who are willing to go the extra mile to support their teams. I, for one, would stay awake and watch the Pirates play a 45-inning marathon in the World Series. One crazy World Cup fanatic decided to do just that–he stayed awake to watch every game of the World Cup.

Due to time zone differences, the World Cup games are being broadcast overnight and into the early hours of the morning in China. Ultimately, sleep deprivation led to this man’s untimely death.

From China Daily:

An overnight session watching the FIFA World Cup may have caused the death of a 25-year-old man in the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou, said a local hospital on Monday..Doctors in the Xiangcheng People’s Hospital to which he was sent said they suspect his death was linked to staying up late watching the games, which are taking place in the middle of the night in China due to the time difference with tournament host country Brazil.

He not only braved the graveyard hours to watch the games, but also did so with China failing to qualify for this year’s World Cup. That is quite the dedication.

[via China Daily]

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  1. Big10Bro

    You would think the country that is LITERALLY full of asians would be able to handle an all-nighter

    10 years ago at 4:39 pm
  2. southfratster

    This happened for the Euros in 2012 as well. A man from China died after staying up for 11 days to watch. Worst part is that China didn’t even have a chance of playing because they’re not in Europe.

    10 years ago at 4:42 pm
    1. the_alpha_Tau

      I was thinking the same thing. He also didn’t drink any water, only beer, for those 11 days. TFM.

      10 years ago at 9:53 pm