Manziel Flips The Bird To The Redskins, Likely Infuriates Browns Management

Johnny Football became a little frustrated with the Washington Redskins in last night’s preseason Monday Night Football matchup, so he politely offered up a one-finger salute.

With less than three minutes to play in the third quarter, Manziel flipped the bird to the Redskins’ sideline. He had apparently been jawing with them for most of the game.

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A few minutes later, ESPN cameras caught the head of Cleveland’s public relations pulling Manziel aside, who most likely told him that his little stunt had gone viral and to not do it again.

The NFL’s public relations teams handle stats and media in the press box and then organize post-game locker room interviews and press conferences on game days. They almost never have a reason to talk to players during the game. The fact that some poor PR official was sent scrambling to find Manziel means that the Browns’ management is pretty pissed off about it.

Manziel looks a little ticked off, too. Like, “Damn it, I’m going to be on TV all week again.”

Redskins defensive end and former Texas Longhorn Brian Orakpo, who was considered one of the instigators of the incident, thought the whole thing was funny. He told ESPN they were just messing around:

“It was hilarious,” said Redskins linebacker Brian Orakpo. “We were messing with him a little bit, just saying this ain’t college and stuff like that. We were having a little fun.”

ESPN executives probably started high-fiving each other, because this will fill a week of content for the network.

That poor Browns PR dude looks exasperated. It’s going to be a long season for him.

[via ESPN]

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  1. The Frockman

    I think this is the turning point where everyone stops standing behind his antics and he eventually gets his tibia shattered by a 400 pound gorilla lineman. His performance last night was piss poor all around.

    10 years ago at 12:21 pm
  2. duckdog

    Can’t this kid make obscene gestures on national television and do cocaine in bathrooms without everyone get their panties in a wad?

    10 years ago at 12:28 pm
  3. 21st Century Goose

    Manziel and Hoyer both looked like shit out there, timing was way off on damn near every throw, lots of drops on the receivers’ parts. Not standing behind his antics, as he clearly knew this was a MNF game where all eyes would be on him. It’s good he’s standing up for himself, but talk shit to the D line after the play or something, don’t do something that ESPN can play on a loop for days.

    10 years ago at 12:46 pm
  4. Money_Manziel

    This guy pulls harder than McCoy, so I’m pretty sure we can give him a break.

    10 years ago at 1:54 pm
  5. Abe_Froman

    So ESPN shows Ray Rice dragging his fiancee’s limp body out of an elevator and Tony Stewart killing a man, but feels the need to blur out a finger. I don’t get it.

    10 years ago at 4:58 pm