Map Of The Lamest Party Schools In The Nation Will Make You Glad You Don’t Go There

The map is actually called the “The Tamest Party Schools In The Nation,” but let’s call it what it really is: the lamest. The only time you’d find me on one of these campuses would be if I stumbled upon it drunkenly, only to piss on the grass while shouting obscenities at the rent-a-cops. While we’re all loading up on kegs for the return to the fraternity houses and our favorite bars, these kids are actually buying books and probably a ton of pocket protectors. Take a look at the map for yourself.

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After going through the list, I can only name two schools: Wyoming and BYU. You would think that Wyoming would be a college where all they do is drink. Is there anything else to do there? I’ve literally lived in Texas all my life and never once have I heard of Southwestern Assemblies of God University. I honestly thought it was made up, like in “Accepted.” You learn something new every day, huh?

I can imagine Greek life at these schools is a lot like that fraternity that has the lame parties. During rush, these guys pitched their parties as the greatest ones on campus, but the photo and video evidence always proves they’re a bunch of sausage fests. Just as their party spiels didn’t help with recruiting new members, this map won’t do much good for colleges trying to bring in top-tier talent. So, cheers to all those who go to a school that isn’t on this list. As Robert Earl Keen says, “The road goes on forever, and the party never ends.”

[via E College Finder]

  1. Fratt_Butler

    I dunno about this. I’m sure Bob Jones faculty-chaperoned parties are ragers.

    11 years ago at 7:09 pm
  2. happychillmore

    I’ll go along with this list simply because of good ole Harding University… a school with a ban on shorts and has a gender segregated gym so that all the good Christian brethren don’t go lusting after yoga pants.

    11 years ago at 7:12 pm
  3. thetallguy

    BIOLA = Bible Institute of Los Angeles.
    Also, I highly doubt this article will effect the enrollment figures for a lot of these schools as most students going to these schools don’t party much anyways.

    11 years ago at 7:15 pm
  4. SlayinTS717

    Damn BYU is the symbol of no fun, kicking a football out for fucking his girl

    11 years ago at 7:20 pm
  5. ZCBrincefield

    Lived in North Carolina all my life and I’ve been under the impression Montreat was an online school..

    11 years ago at 9:23 pm