Map Reveals The Drunkest Countries In The World


The World Health Organization released a new map detailing which countries drink the most per capita, and as expected, America is perfect. That’s why we’re colored gold, right? Because we set the gold standard for alcohol consumption? Not too much, but enough to be awesome. I may have made all of that up just now, but considering the map itself is using fictional words like “litres” to measure alcohol consumption (what is this, a Quidditch scoreboard?), I think we’re all free to interpret this however we want.

Congratulations to Russia on finishing ahead of America, though killing a bottle of shitty vodka every night simply to forget you live in a godawful country doesn’t seem as fun as funneling a hurricane from between huge, barely legal breasts on Bourbon Street.

world alcohol map

[via Business Insider]

  1. billy fratison

    That might help explain why every car crash video is from Russia. But then again I’d force a car crash in hopes of killing myself if I lived in Russia too.

    10 years ago at 1:45 pm
    1. FratN

      If you didnt drink at least a little bit when you were 15 then you were and still are a loser.

      10 years ago at 11:47 am