Marc Summers Tells Loud Audience to Shut the Fuck Up (Video)
Marc Summers was apparently hosting an impromptu game of Double Dare, which was dubbed “Dunkel Dare” for Philly Beer Week, when Philadelphians started acting like, well, Philadelphians. So Summers had to put their asses in line. I don’t blame him, after all, what would you do? (Do you see what I did there? Do you? DO YOU!?!)
This begs the ultimate question: If Marc Summers is willing to host a game of Double Dare for a bunch of drunken idiots from Philly then he’d totally host one for a fraternity, wouldn’t he? That’s pretty much the same thing, but with a 50% less chance of him dying in a hailstorm of batteries. Someone go start planning the greatest party of all time right now.
Almost makes up for the sneakers with the suit
13 years ago at 10:41 amHe was getting ready to take a lap.
13 years ago at 11:08 am^
13 years ago at 3:29 pmShuht the fack up!
13 years ago at 9:18 pm