Mark Cuban Spits Some Truth About The Republican Party

Mark Cuban Nails What's Wrong With The Republican Party, And He's Got My Vote For President

I’ll be honest here. I will be voting Republican in the 2016 election. I side firmly on the right when it comes to fiscal policies. I have been since I knew what money was, and I will be until the day I die. It’s the smart thing to do. Most social issues don’t really impact me, so I could not care less. Just don’t regulate my guns. So, I vote for the party that my money would vote for.

Just like you and me, Mark Cuban wants to be a Republican, too. However, he knows that there is one thing that will keep the GOP from winning the presidential election every time. On Tuesday, he took to Cyberdust to explain just exactly what is wrong with our party.

From The Dallas Morning News:

I am so ready for the Mavs season to start. Until then the sport of the day is politics. Today’s game is trashing the Republican Party

I would prefer to be a Republican. I want smaller government. I want smarter government. Just like most Republicans

Put aside that I disagree with Republicans on most social issues. The Republicans have a much bigger problem that will crush them in every Presidential election until this changes.

The Republican Party requires that all their Presidential candidates Conform to Consensus.

If you don’t agree with every platform of the party not only are you called a RINO, a “Republican in Name Only. You are considered unelectable in primaries and become a source of scorn on Fox News

That’s a problem.

Leaders don’t conform to the consensus. They create consensus to their vision and goals.

Leaders don’t change their positions mid debate. They welcome scorn from the masses because it creates the opportunity for dialogue.

Leaders don’t look backwards to condemn what has already been done, they look forward to create a better future.

Leaders are not dogmatic. They are principled and know that change is never easy, but when it’s necessary, they must lead.

The Republican Party does everything possible to discourage leadership.

They want dogma.

They want conformity.

They want to conserve their romanticized past.

That’s a shame. I wish they wanted to conserve the best of what America is today and find a leader that can take us to new places that make our future better.

I realize that’s not the way politics work in this day and age. And that just proves the point.

And btw, I know a lot of the same can be said about the democrats, but I don’t want to be a democrat.

Until things change, I’ll sit in the middle and think for myself. Unlike the Republicans

Absolutely nailed it. Well said, Mark. Cubes for President 2016.

[via The Dallas Morning News]

Image via YouTube

      1. Rdip357

        Listen, by all means I would never vote for Hillary. But Sanders has many invaluable arguments on a myriad of issues that actually make sense. Granted, his stance may be a bit too radical for my liking, however he is the only candidate who appears to be able to make a positive impact the U.S. Policies. Make me “take a lap” sure, but after you do, just do a little research, it might make you intelligent.

        10 years ago at 12:55 pm
      2. Bluto_Brotarsky

        Any fool can make an argument against something, but it takes someone extremely good to make an argument for something to replace it with policies that have singularly failed every single time they’ve been put in place.

        10 years ago at 12:59 pm
      3. James_Harder

        You are welcome to explain to me the effectiveness of trickle-down economics.

        10 years ago at 1:03 pm
      4. Bluto_Brotarsky

        First, you should not be using duplicate accounts. Second, the onus is on you to explain how a post-industrial nation can survive with a socialist economic model given to jobs going overseas. I can also point out the fact that the IMF is a product of Keynesian economic theory that posits that the government acts as a private investor, completely ignoring the practices of offshore tax havens such as Ireland and Bermuda. Fourth, can you or can you not state an empirical reason towards recidivism rates for convicted felons within the United States?

        10 years ago at 1:17 pm
      5. ChiODarling

        AHAHAHAH i’m not even shocked a comment dissing socialism is getting lapped…tfm these days is legitimately infested with lefties and it’ll probably only get worse

        10 years ago at 3:50 am
  1. geed_N_proud

    The problem with you repubs is that you hate the LGBTQ community, women, different races, the poor, and the list goes on. #Hilary2016 #MoreSteveHoltArticles

    10 years ago at 1:14 pm
    1. FrattyLightweight

      You think because someone disagrees with a lifestyle or a particular behavior, that they hate you. Republicans don’t hate women, different races, the poor or the LGBT community. That’s the exact brainwashing the liberal media has gotten you to believe. They constantly take things out of context and appropriate it to sound hateful. You think that because Republicans disagree with abortion because it’s murder (which it 100% is), that they hate women. Worst of all you’re absolutely insane if you believe that nutcase Hillary has any interest in you or any of us. Of all the candidates, she makes it the most obvious that she’s out for herself. Think about it, the poor have been voting Democrat for 50+ years, and they’re still poor.

      10 years ago at 2:32 pm
  2. FrattyTrappings

    Jeb Bush is the biggest RINO in the field. He’s the penultimate cuckservative. The Republican Party should stand for small government, but as was aptly put in the debate, not a single Republican has shrunken government in over a quarter century. Coolidge was the last person to meaningfully SHRINK the government. Therefore, the GOP establishment in and of itself is RINO, they’re big government advocates that will use that big government to force a Christian morality on the electorate. Both parties are tyrannical.

    10 years ago at 1:46 pm
      1. FrattyTrappings

        If the federal government hadn’t inserted itself into every aspect of a functional life, I think there would be calls for a modern secessionary movement. But the military is such a league above the even a well-funded militia’s firepower, it isn’t a realistic proposition. Just like in 1861, the government would invade the new country and subjugate it.

        10 years ago at 1:54 pm
  3. Cubanmissile113

    Really? And he’s going to say democrats don’t have a conformity problem? Democrats who are forcing other democrats to support Hillary Clinton no matter what because she’s their only chance at winning? Also I’d rather a republican call me a RINO for disagreeing with them because a democrat calls you a political terrorist for disagreeing with them. Cuban’s trying to say he’s smarter than the people blindly bashing republicans, but he’s also just bashing republicans because it’s the cool thing to do.

    10 years ago at 2:12 pm
  4. Porplez34

    “I will be voting republican in the 2016 election.” I might get lapped like crazy and I know Hillary sucks but I really think if someone already decided how they’re voting without knowing who they’re voting for or against then that itself is a big problem.

    10 years ago at 3:19 pm
  5. HottyToddysd

    Well this is exactly why we need Rand Paul… He doesn’t conform. He’s a “different kind of Republican”

    10 years ago at 3:47 pm
  6. TKEis4youandme

    I don’t see how people can be republicans, I will be a democrat for life. I mean, how could you support a president that doesn’t agree with same sex marriage? That’s why I’ll be voting Bernie Sanders in 2016

    10 years ago at 4:21 pm
  7. Jim_Webb_2016

    I would be a republican but the HOP continues to wage pointless battles on the following:

    – abortion
    – global warming
    – gay marriage

    I agree with the GOP’ s fiscal policies. But for a party that pushes “smaller government” they want to be involved in what women do with their bodies and who marrys who. That along with not accepting global warming and I can’t pull the trigger for the GOP. It’s a shame, they used to be so level headed.

    10 years ago at 9:36 pm