Marshall TE Celebrates Bowl Game TD By Pretending Football Is A Beer, Which Confused Some Narcs
Touchdown celebrations have become my favorite part of the overrated, money-making snooze fest that has unfortunately become professional football. If any NFL players need inspiration, look at the police body cam footage of the dance I did after getting released from jail for taking part in a very minor pyramid scheme that was endorsed by Gary Busey. Hey, Gronk — do that next time you’re in the end zone.
On a lower-down level, Marshall University TE Ryan Yuracheck had the right idea when he decided to execute a danger can/detonator/Rumpelstiltskin in the end zone after scoring a touchdown in the team’s bowl game versus Colorado State.
Love it. It’s definitely better than that showboating asshole Odell Beckham Jr.’s pissing dog celebration from earlier this season.
Apparently danger canning a beer is a foreign concept to Yahoo! Sports, though, as you can see in the above tweet caption as well as below:
At first I thought Yurachek was hitting himself in the helmet with the football, but he was definitely pretending to chug a beer, with the football in place of the beer. Of course, he had to break it over his head first.
That was one of the most cringeworthy things I’ve ever read. I think I lost some of the very few IQ points I have left while reading that. Apparently whoever wrote this scholarly analysis of college football has never even been to a college tailgate. Dude couldn’t sound more like a narc if he tried. Mr. Boy Scout sports reporter even ended his article with a little narc-y disclaimer.
And don’t worry, friends. Yurachek, Marshall’s second-leading receiver, is 21. This blog does not promote underage drinking.
Oh, thank goodness. Underage mimicked drinking is definitely a truly growing and underrated problem for the NCAA.
As good as Yurachek is, he most likely isn’t getting drafted, so let the dude have his 15 fake drunken minutes of athletic fame..
[via Yahoo Sports]
Image via ESPN
FIRSTTTT ha! Suck it losers! Eat my JIZZZZZ!
7 years ago at 12:21 pmNobody cares
7 years ago at 4:10 pmWhat the hell happened to the regular commenters? Only reason I came to this site really
7 years ago at 12:27 pmThe regular commenters left because they were goobers, losers, tryhards, pussies, and virgins. The commenters who are left aren’t any different but they’re poors who are hoping I’ll give them jobs if they ever graduate. Pussy.
7 years ago at 12:54 pmMs Francis took away their phones- new rule in the 8th grade
7 years ago at 2:37 pmEverybody downvoted pretty much everything so that they could feel better about themselves, so people just stopped commenting.
7 years ago at 4:12 pm