Massachusetts Town Bans American Flags

In an alleged “mistake” the town of Wrentham, Massachusetts has made a shocking move and banned public displays of Old Glory.

After a local resident, presumably a hippy/communist/molester of freedom, complained about American Flags in common areas, the notice was promptly placed on every apartment door.

The Wrentham Department of Housing and Community Development was quick to deny their involvement.

“We were not aware of this deicison…it was a mistake,” said a spokesperson for the agency, before explaining that American Flags may be displayed in a “respectful and safe” way.

I’m not buying it. Forgetting to get milk at the grocery store is a mistake, banning the flag of our country is a despicable act of dissent.

What situation could possibly lead someone to think this was a good idea? I don’t care how much one resident bitches about The Star Spangled Banner, this is America, that is our Goddamn flag. If someone wants to fly it then they damn well should be able to do so. WHO GETS UPSET ABOUT SEEING AN AMERICAN FLAG!?

While the state has scrambled to reverse their decree, the town populace has been in a complete uproar. 82-year old resident Barbara Marshall was particularly irked, and decided to defy her commie town by letting her stars and stripes wave free.

“If somebody wants to come and take the flag down, I’ll take pictures,” she said to The Sun Chronicle, presumably before threatening to “mow down those commie bastards with my husband’s old Tommy Gun from Iwo if they try to take it.” Grandmothers, believe it or not, are actually huge proponents of the second amendment.

While the Housing and Community Development department is tripping over itself to rectify the situation, the ban is still technically in place. If I were a resident of Wrenthem (before killing myself from boredom), I would raise up a hundred flags on my front yard. If that’s a problem, they can kiss my ass and come and take it.

  1. BayStatePhiAlpha

    Wrentham didn’t ban the flag, the housing authority in that one neighborhood did. It’s not like the town took a vote to take them down. Also, Scott Brown is from Wrentham; it’s not some commune in the woods.

    12 years ago at 3:06 pm
    1. LeaderoftheFratWorld

      Welp, guys, one guy is from Wrentham, it must be the next up-and-coming city.

      12 years ago at 10:48 am
    2. LeaderoftheFratWorld

      Never said you were, you said Scott Brown is though. Because one relevant person came from a city, it must be a big deal. I see your logic.

      12 years ago at 1:19 pm
  2. yankee fratterton

    Nancy Siegel, Executive Director
    Barbara King, Administrative Assistant
    1 Garden Lane
    P.O. Box 312
    Wrentham, MA 02093
    Monday – Friday
    9:00 am to 2:00 pm
    Phone Number:
    (508) 384-2054

    12 years ago at 4:14 pm
  3. AverageGirls The Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005. The limitations state that a substantial interest of the condo/housing association must be affected. I would say that more members of said association will be negatively effected by this new rule than would be positively effected. This action does not have to be complied with and forcing someone to take down the flag is illegal in the U.S.

    12 years ago at 8:59 am