McDonald’s “Minions” Happy Meal Toys Swear At Children, Parents Are Pissed

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Some parents are in an uproar after claiming that their McDonald’s Happy Meal toys swore at their children.

Supposedly, the annoying little yellow twinkie nut sack creatures from the movie “Minions” that were made into Happy Meal toys are talking shit.

From Chicago Tribune:

According to stories from Ad Age and other news outlets, some parents are complaining that the toys, which are included in Happy Meals as a tie-in with the “Minions” movie, can be heard saying “What the f—.” Others have reported that they say “I’ll be damned.”

“What the FUCK!?”

Other offensive things the “Minions” toys were shouting at kids:

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[via Chicago Tribune]

Images via Meme Generator, YouTube

  1. StalIonDaMan

    Scored a handy last weekend from a dime in the back of a movie theater. That’s just how I roll. #StallionDaManForFifthYear

    9 years ago at 9:56 am
    1. General_Longstreet

      Are you aware of the video “Death by Horsecock”? As you tried to nickname yourself “Stallion da man”, I hope what happens in the video happens to you

      9 years ago at 11:07 am
  2. FraturdayMorningWood

    Can you really expect any less from things manufactured in China?

    9 years ago at 9:57 am
  3. Spark Notes

    Are you serious? TFM claims SharkweekTFM’s articles weren’t “good enough”, then this shit gets posted??

    9 years ago at 10:01 am
  4. GirthBrooks

    Y’all should probably change the name of the site and not associate yourselves with the fraternities y’all are in. Fucking sell outs.

    9 years ago at 10:19 am