My 8 slampieces add up to under 1000 pounds. TFM.

  1. boomer6

    my 20 slam pieces add up to under 100 pounds and their age adds up to under 200 years. tfm

    13 years ago at 1:43 pm
    1. John Galt

      What’s the best thing about banging twenty-eight year olds? There’s 20 of them!

      13 years ago at 3:58 pm
    2. BROwn out

      If you can’t laugh at the rape of minors you just don’t have a sense of humor. I’m sorry.

      13 years ago at 6:57 pm
    1. Kiawah Island

      I don’t know if he’s stopping the motor of the world with this post though…

      13 years ago at 5:40 pm
    2. John Galt

      Why ask useless questions? How deep is the ocean? How high is the sky? Who is John Galt?

      13 years ago at 7:23 pm
  2. jealous

    caring enough to know your slampieces’ weight doesn’t make them your slampiece anymore.

    13 years ago at 9:15 pm