Meet The Most Violent, Inbred West Virginian You Will Ever See, Street Fighter Bucky Boyd (VIDEO)

When moonshine, meth, and incest scramble eggs inside the ovaries and sever the tails off of sperm, this man is what you get. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Bucky Boyd, undefeated street fighter at a self proclaimed 41-0, and West Virginia’s West Virginia-iest West Virginian.

This man is a marvel of breeding gone wrong. It’s as if a genetic military experiment that went horribly awry escaped into the West Virginia mountains and spent its formative years subsisting on nothing but raccoon and other small game, learning of the world only through reading the faded synopsis on the back of a discarded WWF Ultimate Warrior video cassette he found when venturing near the road.

Honestly, I have no more commentary than that. Just watch this video. It’s amazing.

I would pay untold amounts of money to see this fight.

/Looks up plane ticket to West Virginia and admission for the event

So about $405 dollars. $410 if I get nachos.


Here’s another one, about the same fight, or at least the same fighter, he being “The Tree.” Enjoy.

***UPDATE 2***

Aaaaand we have the fight Bucky Boyd is referencing. H/T to FreedomAndFratting.

[via Middle Easy]

h/t to @StelloLikeItIs

  1. BamaForRomney

    Reminds me of that Mark Byers character from about 10 or 15 years ago. The one who’s boy got murdered in AR and they did a movie about it.

    11 years ago at 5:29 pm
  2. el_capatino

    That fucker called out The Rock, Big Show, and Brock Fucking Lesnar. I would pay to see that fight.

    11 years ago at 5:38 pm
    1. Fraternity Lifestyle

      Forget Brock Lesnar, fucking Brock from Pokemon could kick that guy’s ass

      11 years ago at 12:42 am
  3. “I will hurt you, tree.”

    -Official slogan of the West Virginia Environmental Protection Agency

    11 years ago at 6:30 pm
  4. F Scott Fratsgerald

    I really just want Dana White to set Bucky up with some UFC fighter so we can have a live snuff film

    11 years ago at 6:48 pm
  5. VineyardVine

    That was dumb, I would rather watch meatspin than listen to that mutant speak.

    11 years ago at 7:08 pm
  6. Sleazy Asshole

    Looks like the banjo player from Deliverance and the lady from The Hills Have Eyes had a beautiful baby boy.

    11 years ago at 7:09 pm