Memorial Day For The Right Reasons

Memorial Day is one of the most patriotic days of the year. All across America, people celebrate it by coming together and getting as wasted as possible. It’s a day when you can wander around screaming “America, Fuck Yeah!” and everyone will cheer for you. Every day should be like Memorial Day, but sadly it’s not. As the debauchery of Memorial Day Weekend comes to a close, try to remember the reason for its existence. Try to remember that it’s a day for honoring the fallen soldiers who have given their lives for this indescribably great nation.

People these days take war too lightly. Maybe it’s the movies and video games that have desensitized us to it, maybe it’s the fluoride in our water, or maybe it’s just all the drugs. People have a romanticized notion of war that is not a reflection of reality. Now don’t get me wrong, I love war more than most people, but in the back of my mind I always remember that war is not awesome. War is fucking terrible. It’s only awesome for people who are privileged enough to watch it from the luxury of a TV screen. War is fucking hell and if it doesn’t kill a person, it fucks them up in the head for life. Granted, there is a small minority of soldiers who actually do get boners from murder. Explosions with naked mangled corpses flying everywhere are hilarious to these people. Pain and death don’t mean shit to them. Fuckin’ Awesome. God bless those psychopaths. I’m glad they are on my side. For the large majority of others though, war is terrifying and traumatizing. They are fathers, sons, brothers, and lovers. They’ve got everything to lose and their loved ones won’t be there with them if they die a miserable death in some shithole country half way around the world. I wish peace was an option, but unfortunately there are a lot of really shitty people in the world. The only way to deal with some of these shitty people is to kill them. War is a necessary evil that must be exercised from time to time to purify the streams of freedom.

So this Memorial Day remember all of those who marched blindly into the depths of hell for you. Don’t just party because it’s an excuse to party. Party because you are alive and fucking free. Remember that you are free because of the hundreds of millions of Americans who have shed blood for you at war. Party for their legacy. Party for the world that exists because of their sacrifice. Drink for all soldiers who died in the trenches, jungles, and deserts all around the world. Drink for their mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, and friends who are left wanting without them.

This is not a day of party politics. It’s not about Democrap or Republicunt bullshit. This is a day honoring the men who died for America, regardless of which stupid party was in power. Soldiers don’t have the luxury of politics when war knocks on the doorstep. They do what they are told because it’s their duty. They do whatever America needs them to do, even if it means certain death.

This day is about soldiers, both alive and dead. This day is a reminder that peace is not a reality. It is an ideal that must be fought for again and again. This day is about all the warriors, all the freedom fighters, who decided that America is an idea that is worth dying for. I believe, as they did, that freedom is worth fighting for. So raise your glass to those warriors who were worthy enough to prove to us that talk is cheap.

Rest in Peace ye fallen heroes and know that your sacrifice was not in vain. Today we drink to celebrate you, not to mourn. Today we embrace our fellow Americans and scream “This is America, goddamnit! We are alive, we are free, and we live in the greatest fucking nation on God’s green Earth!”

…And we owe it all to you.

  1. GeraldDempseyPosey3

    A little bit over the top with “hundreds of millions”, but otherwise great fucking article. American Flag Bud Heavies were raised to this.

    12 years ago at 5:44 pm
  2. Fraternity Lifestyle

    Great column. And on that note, fuck Chris Hayes. MSNBC anchor who said he had a difficult time calling fallen soldiers “heroes”

    12 years ago at 6:19 pm
    1. PIKEpledge

      ^ I watch MSNBC all the time because it’s so humorous to me to see how fucking ignorant and hypocritical these liberals are. Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz are both a joke!

      12 years ago at 6:46 pm
    2. whitecross55

      I actually respect Chris Matthews, he spoke at my school and basically ripped Obama apart for an hour for being a worthless, spineless failure. This is the same guy who said he got a warm feeling running up his leg when Obama spoke on the campaign trail, so to hear him tear him apart for being one of the worst leaders he’s ever seen was impressive.

      12 years ago at 10:05 am
    3. FratOnBro

      ^ Or that just backs up the previous statement of them being ignorant and hypocritical. But good try.

      12 years ago at 5:47 pm
  3. BOSS___DSP

    So I guess fuck marines and sailors and airforce right? Just worry about the soldiers….cause they only take the best. Go fuck yourself, and your shitty column. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

    12 years ago at 7:03 pm
    1. justgo_withit

      Members of the Air Force, two words, are referred to as “Airmen”. “Solider” is often used as a general term for “one engaged in military service”. Try harder next time.

      12 years ago at 7:12 pm
    2. Frattios and sperrys

      ^well done… the effort was in the article to give tribute to all the military so fuck off commi

      12 years ago at 7:18 pm
    3. BOSS___DSP

      Go ahead and call a marine a soldier and see what happens. After 6 years and a couple trips to the sand box, I think my statement might be accurate. Not trying to hard, kiddo.

      12 years ago at 8:49 pm
    4. BOSS___DSP

      And airmen is a rank, so good try. Don’t stop putting out the effort, son, it’s adorable.

      12 years ago at 8:51 pm
    5. justgo_withit

      Airmen is not just a term for a rank- see Airman’s Creed, Airman’s Manual, Airman Magazine, etc; none of which are rank-specific. The term airmen can refer to members of any air force.

      This article is clearly not meant to just praise members of the Army so you getting upset about him not saying marines, sailors, airmen every time he says “soldier” is unnecessary. Furthermore, both pictures in the article are of Marines so the author clearly thinks they’re worthy of praise and remembrance. There many other places where your anger at the treatment of our armed service members would be justified, but this article is not one of them. Also, I’m a woman.

      12 years ago at 9:27 pm
    6. justgo_withit

      Also, I’m sorry that in your time serving our country you’ve encountered people who feel like soldiers are the only ones worth worrying about. That really is unfortunate, and no one should have to feel that way, but I don’t think that’s what RageTheory meant to say or was implying with this article. It’s just easier to use the term solider to mean all armed service members, and it makes for a better-sounding piece of writing. Getting angry at something that clearly wasn’t the author’s intent seems like you’re trying very hard to pick holes in it when this article is really just not that big of a deal.

      12 years ago at 9:46 pm
    7. justgo_withit

      And this may come across as patronizing but I really don’t mean for it to do so, it’s an honest question and I really am interested in the answer: were you active duty before school, or are you active currently? My daddy served in Vietnam after high school for a few years and then came home and went to school; he always talked about how his brothers were some of the few who appreciated his service at the time, and that’s part of the reason I went greek.

      12 years ago at 10:04 pm
    8. jp072987

      BOSS…relax brother. People who throw out their service record when challenged are douchebags – don’t lower yourself to that level. You’re right, in that if you ever call a Marine (in uniform) a soldier, he would be agitated – but a good Marine would kindly correct the person he’s talking to, not immediately try to shove boots in rectums. Justgo is also right – soldier is a general term, and although its connotation is to the army – it’s broader connotation is to military service. Also, Airmen is the plural to Airman. Airman is a rank; Airmen is a collection of what may be several ranks, and even services. Airman exists in the Air Force and also in the Navy (as a Seaman in the aviation community [depending on his rate] may be called an Airman) Also, Airman could similarly be used as a general term for any person in the Aviation community. Naval Aviators, Naval Flight/Weapons Systems Officers (existing also in the Marine Corps and Coast Guard), Air Force Pilots and Combat systems officers, and all of their enlisted air crew and maintenance personnel may be called Airmen. But seriously, stop taking yourself so seriously. Semper Fortis.

      12 years ago at 10:06 pm
    9. TheFratBeforeTime

      No self respecting military man would ever use his service record as an excuse to back up a flawed argument, especially online and especially on a satirical website. You may have served my country, but respect is earned and can be just as easily lost.

      12 years ago at 12:46 am
  4. FranklinDBroosevelt

    On his last column, I said that RageTheory was the worst columnist on TFM and couldn’t write for shit. Today I’m happy to retract those words. Excellently put sir, and frat on.

    12 years ago at 7:15 pm
    1. Richard Head

      I stopped when I saw “Republicunt”. Fuck every last democrat in existence, and God Bless America.

      12 years ago at 7:20 pm
    2. Richard Head

      ^ I’m an ignorant little shit for loving America and refusing to listen to slander? Go fuck yourself you liberal cuntmuscle.

      12 years ago at 8:38 pm
    3. FranklinDBroosevelt

      There has never, ever been a great American who refused to listen to the other side. As right as we may be, our greatest strength is in compromise. And if you think I’m wrong, reread the Constitution.

      12 years ago at 9:11 pm
    4. Richard Head

      Says the guy named after a progressivist asshole who increased the size of the federal government tenfold via social entitlement programs. I know what the other side believes and reject it, simple as that. The Constitution ensures my full rights to do so as well as refuse to listen to left-wing stupidity. God Bless America.

      12 years ago at 9:18 pm