A Memoriam For All The Fraternities We Lost In 2015

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Today, we pause to take a moment to remember those who are no longer with us in the Greek community.

*Play music for desired effect.*

Their kegs have been tapped. Their letter-less houses have turned into dusty graveyards of crushed beer cans, red solo cups, filled-to-the-brim dip spitters, and broken appliances. Memories ignited by the phrases “You won’t” or “No balls” are now fading and distant. In only a few years time, chapters that were campus powerhouses for over a century will be long forgotten by a new crop of students once their tales of debauchery go by the wayside and seventh-year seniors finally graduate or give up on getting a degree altogether. But not today. Today we remember. We remember both those wrongly done by an ever-changing, Greek witch hunting world and the shitheads that absolutely deserved to have the kibosh put on their organization.

Pour some out for all of those brothers we lost in 2015.

Arizona Delta Sigma Phi
Arizona Delta Tau Delta
Arizona Theta Chi
Arizona State Delta Upsilon
Arizona State Delta Kappa Epsilon
Arizona State Theta Chi
Cal Poly Pi Kappa Alpha
Clemson Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Dartmouth Alpha Delta
East Tennessee State Lambda Chi Alpha
Elon University Pi Kappa Phi
Emporia State Kappa Sigma
Florida Gulf Coast Kappa Alpha Psi
Furman Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Houston Sigma Chi
Illinois State Delta Sig
Illinois State Pi Kappa Alpha
Indiana Alpha Tau Omega
Indiana Phi Psi
Iowa State Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Jacksonville State Alpha Phi Alpha
LSU Acacia
LSU Sigma Chi
Maryland Delta Chi
Miami University Acacia
Miami University Kappa Sigma
Miami University Phi Kappa Psi
Miami University Sigma Nu
Michigan DKE
Michigan Sigma Alpha Mu
Minnesota SAE
NC State Alpha Tau Omega
Nebraska Sigma Lambda Beta
Oklahoma SAE
Ole Miss Sigma Phi Epsilon
Oregon Phi Delt
Oregon State Phi Delt
Penn State Kappa Delta Rho
Penn State Pi Kappa Phi
Purdue Sigma Nu
Rutgers Sigma Phi Epsilon
Salisbury University Phi Beta Sigma
South Carolina Pi Kappa Alpha
UCF Theta Chi’s House
UConn Phi Kappa Alpha
University of Florida Zeta Beta Tau
UPenn Pi Kappa Phi
URI Chi Phi
Washburn Phi Delt
Westminster College Sigma Chi
Wesleyan University Everyone
Wisconsin-Madison Chi Phi

Leave your condolences in the comments below, add any other chapters I missed, and DAMMIT, cherish the precious moments that you still have as a collegiate Greek. CHERISH THEM!

    1. Puddles10

      The Kappa Sig chapters have me curious. In my experiences, Kappa Sig nationals have always been awesome about going to bat for our chapters. What’s the story with these two?

      9 years ago at 2:05 pm
      1. CarpetMuncherClint

        K Sig Nationals are absolute trash. Only interested in making easy risk free money. They will drop you in half a second

        9 years ago at 7:15 pm
  1. PirateSteveTFM

    I wonder how many chapters would get kicked off campus every year back in the 70s and 80s. Times have changed. Also you can add Arizona State Theta Chi, DKE, and DU to the list here.

    9 years ago at 12:57 pm
      1. FrattyMcFrat

        Reasons are garbage if the prez is telling the truth. They seem to have done OK when they were unaffiliated previously. Say what you will about Pike but I always thought it was great they stood by those guys (didn’t yank the charter) when the university booted them way back when. As we’ve seen way too many times, most national groups try to play too nicely with universities so they get welcomed back with open arms five years down the road.

        9 years ago at 8:38 pm
      2. Butterstuff2k16

        Honestly, I’m a part of the CSU Greek community and it seems like they just couldn’t pull past the shit that happened in their chapter YEARS ago before any of the current actives even pledged. Fuck it though man.

        9 years ago at 12:37 am
    1. CarpetMuncherClint

      Because they are garbage. Especially here. Biggest try yards on campus (surprise surprise)

      9 years ago at 7:16 pm
  2. yacht_life

    *East Tennessee State University…fun fact, Kenny Chesney was a LCA there.

    9 years ago at 1:09 pm