Miami Face Eater Wasn’t on Bath Salts, Zombie Apocalypse May Be Imminent

According to a recent Fox News article, after extensive laboratory drug screenings, it has been determined that the infamous “Miami Zombie” was not under the influence of bath salts.

After multiple tests for both street and prescription drugs Rudy Eugene, the now deceased cheek-chewer, was determined to be completely clean for every existing drug except marijuana.

Marijuana is not likely to blame for this incident, as anyone’s experiences have shown: people who smoke it are infinitely more likely to watch Grandma’s Boy three times in a row rather than gnawing off someone’s upper lip. The munchies are one thing, but that reaction is just ridiculous, and effects not typical of reefer.

So what on Earth could be to blame for this blatantly inhuman behavior? Reports from his family and romantic partner both proclaim Eugene as a pretty nice guy, who they’d never suspect to snap so violently.

Now I’m a generally “believe it when I see it” kind of guy, but the fact that so many odd cannibalistic happenings have sprung up is more than a little concerning. Even worse, most of them are happening in my home state of Florida. Just saying, if you guys stop hearing from me anytime soon the natural assumption should be that the zombies are taking over. On the bright side, at least it looks like they’ll destroy Miami first.

  1. Captain Jack Sperry

    I could see Greek life turning a Zombie Apocalypse into the biggest rager the world has ever seen. Pounding brews, slamming slams, and blowing the FUCK outa some zombie geeds.

    12 years ago at 11:55 am
  2. Tallapoosa Snu

    I heard it was a bad batch of some “legal” weed… that little bag of chemical wood shavings that costs more than regular weed… undetetctable too. But I’m gonna go buy some bottled water and bullets, you know, just in case.

    12 years ago at 12:09 pm
  3. nolenation44

    I’ve been stockpiling buckshot for the last two years for this. What have YOU been doing?

    12 years ago at 12:14 pm
    1. JamesWestfall

      You know… drinking, slamming, and fratting hard. I feel like this was a very redundant question for this website.

      12 years ago at 3:35 pm
    1. Captain Jack Sperry

      ^Yah man, they’ve really cracked down on that shit. Near impossible to score any quality salts these days.

      12 years ago at 6:16 pm
    2. Frat Like a Boss

      But there’s an awesome amount of synthetics they can’t test, so there you go. Plus bath salts can contain things they test for like meth and coke.

      12 years ago at 8:34 pm
  4. InternationlFratlife

    I would be completely fine if all of Miami turned into Zombies and had to be burned to the ground because of it, and I am from Miami. What a shit hole.

    12 years ago at 3:04 am