Banged a fat bitch last night. After I finished I kicked her out of bed so my golden retriever could stretch his legs. TFM.

  1. VP of BP

    i agree with fraturday, who the fuck brags about fucking fat chicks? not frat at all

    15 years ago at 3:10 pm
  2. B. Frat

    Fucking fat chicks happens, otherwise Fraturday wouldn’t be here to comment. And they go that extra mile, suck it up and try it sometime. And for the bestiality comment,who the fuck other than a GDI even thinks that way?

    15 years ago at 4:05 pm
    1. Fraturday

      says the kid that fucked a fat chick, bragged about it, then cuddled with his dog…

      15 years ago at 11:26 pm