1. Moctezuma92

    Actually, if you really want to get into it, there is only 2 kinds of antibiotics that are affected by alcohol, and both of those are for parasites… soooo frat hard, even when you’re sick.

    14 years ago at 10:28 pm
    1. John Galt

      Sulfonamides and alcohol together can make you feel pretty nauseous, and they are used for a hell of a lot more than parasites.

      14 years ago at 10:04 pm
  2. Parachutist

    I did this once when I was on antibiotics for a sinus infection. I slammed 4 beers pretty quickly and it felt like I had 15 so I went to the fridge and fucking consumed a ton of chicken alfredo to help absorb the alcohol and passed out for three hours on the Frat castle couch. Those meds are not a joke

    14 years ago at 10:33 pm
    1. John Galt

      ^ Irrelevant. Disulfiram is not an antibiotic. Disulfiram is used specifically to create an adverse reaction when alcohol is consumed afterwards, to try to keep alcoholics sober.

      14 years ago at 10:06 pm
  3. LTH 1869

    This has nothing to do with being frat. Any geed could drink on antibiotics so i guess they’re all FaF too, huh. Trying too hard…NF.

    14 years ago at 11:44 pm
  4. Ralph Lauren Polo

    As some of you said, you are able to drink on nearly all antibiotics. Last time I went to the doctor, i didn’t have to ask, he told me straight up I can continue fratting hard while on the medication. Drink up brothers

    14 years ago at 12:00 am
  5. AccuFrat

    …then you had to take more antibiotics because they are nullified when you drink. Made that mistake last year.

    14 years ago at 8:59 am