I don't know how much money my dad really makes. Neither does the government. TFM.

    1. FratStar

      cheating on your taxes=NF because you are poor and can’t afford them. Paying your taxes and still being rich=FaF

      14 years ago at 9:19 pm
    2. chill brobaggins

      Cheating in your taxes as to not give that gdi Obama your money to spend on bs = FaF

      14 years ago at 9:26 pm
    3. Hail to the Purple Hail to the Gold

      Being smart enough to outsmart the IRS and being part of that 1% TFM.

      14 years ago at 10:37 pm
    4. Brobie Petrino

      I love the gdi that thinks paying taxes is good. Tax write-offs and loopholes are FaF.

      14 years ago at 10:53 pm
    5. Mountain Fratwear

      paying your taxes because you enjoy having a kick-ass military that hazes the world; and having police that keep filthy democrats off the streets. TFM

      14 years ago at 1:36 pm
  1. BaFrat Brobama

    Having the IRS come back to you for $70+ grand for taxes for undeclared money. NF My dad learned the hard way, he is now hiding it better than ever!

    14 years ago at 1:42 am
  2. Fratagonia

    “I’m worth 3 million dollars that the government knows about.” Bernard Campbell FaF.

    14 years ago at 12:31 pm
    1. i'm an asshole til i die..

      Not Beta, that’s for damn sure. Not being able to think of a screenname and using your annex is NF.

      14 years ago at 9:37 pm
    1. littlemissfrat

      miami u: “mother of fraternities”
      we invented prep before you were even considered part of the US

      14 years ago at 4:38 am