Fourth of July, Single Barrel Jack, stogeys, and a big fuck you. TFM.

  1. Pocket

    Poor guys… They’re trying so hard and the TFM community just bent them over and railed them.

    14 years ago at 8:55 pm
  2. DoctorPhilosopher

    Single Barrel Jack? You should have bought E-Dub, it tastes better. Get that sour mash shit out of here. Did ya’ll sing “I’m on a boat” after?

    14 years ago at 9:36 pm
  3. FratMaximusBrodius

    Nice pink highlighter shorts. Did you get those from office depot…brah?

    14 years ago at 8:22 am
  4. Wastinshells

    tfm intern HAS to post these just for us to rip on right? I mean, how could they post this in seriousness?

    14 years ago at 2:44 pm
  5. Future Value

    Haha it’s so obvious that the guy on the far left is just a high school friend along for the ride. His best friend from high school (the guy with the hat) invited him to his pike frat party and he tried to dress the part. That’s my story behind this picture.

    14 years ago at 9:31 am
  6. IHSFrat1855

    Is no one going to comment on how they all look like they have dicks in their mouths? You should never hold a cigar with your fucking teeth, amateurs.

    14 years ago at 10:05 am