Miley Cyrus Is Maxim’s Hottest Woman Alive – Is She Even That Hot?

It’s clear she’s not the most attractive woman alive; don’t even try to argue that. Is she even hot, though? I admit there’s some kind of weird sex appeal thing going on there, and that twerk video that went crazy on the internet was oddly mesmerizing. Getting the nod from Maxim as the most beautiful woman in the world, though? I don’t get that at all.

I haven’t followed these lists in the past, so I’m not sure what kind of credibility Maxim had going for it until now. It’s gone, though. Cute girl? Sure. Hot? Meh, it could be argued. Hottest woman alive? Go fuck yourself.

I was at a bar on Saturday night with some friends, and if at any point in the night I would have grabbed a handful of ice from my drink and crow-hopped it into a crowd of people, I would have hit at least three girls more attractive than Miley Cyrus, which is funny because sometimes her face looks like it was just smoked by a handful of bar ice. Her face is a seven on its very best day.

She does have those crazy long legs, though. And the ass of an in-shape high schooler.

Grow your damn hair back out. Maybe that’s the problem.

Verdict: Just kinda sorta hot at times.

[via The Daily Caller]

Images via Maxim


  1. Sand Saver

    Maxim is a big floppy piece of shit these days. A few months ago they did a piece on Joan “How Fucked Up Can I Make My Face Look” Rivers for God’s sake. I’ve seen more interesting writing on bathroom stalls.

    12 years ago at 12:44 pm
  2. RagnarDanneskjold

    She seems like the kind of chick that probably likes to go skiing a lot.

    12 years ago at 1:07 pm
  3. GeedYaLater

    Not a chance in hell is she the hottest woman on the planet. However, she does bring strange amounts of weird sex appeal to the table.

    12 years ago at 2:34 pm