Minnesota State-Mankato Is Presenting Freshmen With A Lecture Titled “I Heart Female Orgasm”

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Here’s a campus you probably never expected to see featured on here: Minnesota State University, Mankato.

The endless list of bullshit requirements every incoming college freshmen must complete just to guarantee him- or herself a spot in class on the first day is getting more absurd every semester. All of it is nothing more than a liability reducer for the university, and if you were blessed with an ounce of common sense, you can figure it out on your own.

Minnesota State University, Mankato is taking freshman orientation to a new level, however, with this new lecture called “I Heart Female Orgasm.” The lecture is described as “sex education with laughter.” I’ll call bullshit on that.

From Campus Reform:

The lecture, hosted by MSUM’s Women’s Center, LGBT Center, and the Violence Awareness and Response Program, is scheduled to take place during the university’s welcome week and is designed to target freshman.

Samantha Hedwall, the Women’s Center Assistant Director at MSUM, told Campus Reform that the program is a “sex education class for the college age student” as “it combines sex education with laughter.”

The university is bringing in two speakers from the organization Sex Discussed Here! to speak to college students about sex and sell their merchandise.

Let’s ignore the obvious fact that the university is undoubtedly receiving some type of kickback on these “merchandise sales,” because I am interested in another question entirely. Who the fuck buys a souvenir from their freshman year sex ed lecture? What can you even sell to these kids? If you want them to have something with your name on it, give them all a “Certified For Sexual Activity” bumper sticker for sitting through the lecture.

Anyway, I’m getting off topic.

The point is, this shit is ridiculous and students learn absolutely nothing that they haven’t already found in porn. Hell, at least porn is more exciting than listening to an inevitably disgusting group of people discuss an activity they have most likely only read about.

Besides, firsthand experience is the best lesson of all.

[via Campus Reform]

Image via Wikipedia

    1. MuChapter

      Did you just admit to being an incoming freshman and therefore not in a fraternity? Can we get these people off here?

      10 years ago at 12:58 pm
  1. God.BlessTexas

    I gave my slam, Ashley, a souvenir from my freshman sex ed orientation. She enjoyed it for all of eleven seconds.

    10 years ago at 6:03 pm