Minor League Baseball Game Takes Too Long, Bus Driver Quits And Leaves Team Stranded

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Minor league baseball is tough. Every day, these guys are essentially playing for their careers and competing against their own teammates in hopes of one day wearing a major league jersey. Most of these guys will never get to the highest level, yet they’re still subjected to the same shit as every other prospect who has dreamed of playing in front of tens of thousands of people.

As if eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner isn’t bad enough, sometimes they can’t even get a ride home on a shitty charter bus.

Over the weekend, the Johnson City Cardinals had just wrapped up the third and final game of its series against the Greeneville Astros. The team was ready to head home after being swept, but there was one problem. The fucking bus driver disappeared.

According to reports, the bus driver who was to bring them home following the game became frustrated at the amount of time it had taken for the game to end. In retaliation, he took the bus keys and left the stadium, leaving the team stranded. The fact he left instead of DOING HIS FUCKING JOB didn’t seem to matter to him.

Eventually, another bus driver was dispatched to bring the team home, but not after a miserable night of waiting in the ballpark’s parking lot, sulking in defeat.

The team didn’t lose its sense of humor, though, and it’s turned the mishap into a hilarious promotional opportunity.


I like these guys.

[via Cardinals Farm]

Image via Twitter

  1. ShepMM

    Hope the stadium has extra security on hand for the raucous crowd that’s sure to show up for “Bus Driver Night”.

    10 years ago at 9:40 am
  2. A-10Warthog

    It’s not news when one guy goes on strike. I think the intern’s pseudonym is Bogey Wells.

    10 years ago at 10:19 am