You’re a disgrace. Try putting a little money and effort into your appearance. You wouldn’t even get a bid from my sorority because of your lack of wardrobe class. Try again when you don’t look like you just got back from the gym.
While I completely agree that the UGGs are a bad choice, Nikes and a Greek t-shirt are standard attire for the walk to class (usually followed by the gym, of course).
You’re a disgrace. Try putting a little money and effort into your appearance. You wouldn’t even get a bid from my sorority because of your lack of wardrobe class. Try again when you don’t look like you just got back from the gym.
15 years ago at 4:42 pmObviously not from the South. Ever heard of Yurman?
15 years ago at 8:59 pmMississippi State. There’s your answer.
15 years ago at 5:50 pmuggs are way out of style, think again
15 years ago at 7:58 pmAmen. Uggs haven’t been cool since W was in office.
15 years ago at 7:06 pmWhile I completely agree that the UGGs are a bad choice, Nikes and a Greek t-shirt are standard attire for the walk to class (usually followed by the gym, of course).
15 years ago at 9:01 pmnike shorts with leggings over it looks RIDICULOUS!
14 years ago at 8:35 pm