1. Frattin like my daddy

    Cool cars I hope this pic was taken 4 years ago, the cars are a little dated

    14 years ago at 2:20 pm
  2. Range Rover Collector

    here’s the thing…. Those are nice cars, but theres obviously going to be plenty of people on this site who have these cars and nicer ones and more of them and will feel the need to hate on this picture for the most trivial things (like how its a 2 car garage etc).

    Even if I posted my family’s fully finished and furnished 9 car garage with no cars under $80,000 and nothing older than 2009, somebody would still hate on me and call me new money or something.

    14 years ago at 2:58 pm
  3. Fratter Than YOU

    IF you HAVE to get a Rover, get a supercharged rover… HSE’s are for gdi new money.

    14 years ago at 6:19 pm
    1. Range Rover Collector

      I myself drive a supercharged, but an HSE is still legitimate in my book

      14 years ago at 10:45 pm
    2. Brosepherson

      Range Rover Collector- All you do on this site is talk about your gay ass car. I have literally read at least 5 posts from you over the last 2 months and every SINGLE one is about your Range Rover. Kill yourself immediately,you are the biggest douche on this site. PERIOD

      14 years ago at 2:31 pm
  4. The United States of the Southland

    Yeah, definitely not worth a post on tfm, if I wanted to see people showing off their very cliche, run of the mill upper-middle price range cars I could have turned on GDI cribs…

    14 years ago at 9:48 pm
  5. Ron Burgundy

    I don’t know what’s worse: posting your family’s garage or all of the cool and tough responses that follow it.

    14 years ago at 8:28 pm