The synchronized echoes of Fox News down the halls of the fraternity house nearly every waking hour. TFM.

  1. Third Reich

    One of the few TFM posts that are actually worthy of an appreciative comment.

    Frat on good sir.

    13 years ago at 8:29 pm
    1. bubbahog

      WTF. Fox News. NF. Anything that regurgitates the ridiculous Republican bullshit is NF, IMO.

      13 years ago at 11:46 pm
    1. TheFratFace1868

      Considering Fox News is in no way a financial news station I would say that your comparison between the two of them is stupid. My 6 year old niece could tell me that after 5 minutes.

      Now if you were to say CNBC > Fox Business Network you would be correct and not sound like you were trying way to hard.

      Also, to the original post that’s just stupid. No one has ESPN on or watching a movie. The stoners aren’t watching some stupid history or science show? What about music, I’m sorry I see where you were going and it’s just improbable.

      13 years ago at 12:32 am
    2. ItJustComesFratural

      ^this is exactly what I was thinking. When he was submitting this bullshit TFM I wonder if he faced an internal conflict whether to put fox news or the golf channel?

      13 years ago at 1:50 am
    3. 19th Hole

      My bad TheFratFace, I certainly have seen finance coverage on FOX but you’re absolutely right – it would be a much better choice to have used FOX Business in my inequality.

      13 years ago at 7:48 am
    1. Brodyssius

      Trying way too hard. That’s pretty common around here. Which boat shoes should I wear. Polo or button-down? Blazer/No blazer? Belt? Costas or Wayfarers? Blue croakies or red croakies. Hat or visor.

      It seems like the only thing that doesn’t receive excessive deliberation is haircut and the degree to which you act like a pompous ass. Not “you” in particular, but the collective you.

      I am not saying any of this is wrong, but expending effort on relatively trivial things, like this fucking website or an unnecessarily decorated cooler, seems to be a way of (Greek) Life.

      13 years ago at 8:22 am
    2. hazeway

      A post starting with “trying way too hard”, followed by a huge wall of text – TSM. Keep your emotions to yourself and try to enjoy the entertainment which is No one wants to see your bitching.

      13 years ago at 9:22 am
    3. Brodyssius

      I didn’t recognize any emotion in my comment whatsoever. It was merely a statement of my perception of the trivial nature of many aspects of Greek Life. (Not an indictment of that life of course)

      You’re attempt to equate original thought to a TSM made me laugh however, so thank you for the entertainment.

      13 years ago at 12:50 pm